LG2020 Social Media Pack

Local government elections are going ahead on Saturday, 28 March 2020.

Voting allows local government to form so that they can make decisions about providing essential services to the community – waste, transport, and community services.  People need their governments now more than ever.

The ECQ has taken advice from the Chief Health Officer, and has put additional safety measures in place to allow the vote to go ahead.

We want voters to feel at ease about voting, and have put together some materials to help promote this.


LGE2020 Voting with ease (40 second video)

LGE2020 Voting with ease (20 second video)

Use hand sanitiser

Use hand sanitiser

Stay 1.5 metres apart

Stay 1.5 metres apart

Elections are essential

Elections are essential

Bring your own pen or pencil

Bring your own pen or pencil