2021 Media Statements

For all media enquiries please email media@ecq.qld.gov.au or phone 0438 120 699.


North Burnett Regional Council Mayoral by-election: five candidates announced

Thursday 23 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations for the North Burnett Regional Council Mayoral by-election closed today at noon with the following nominations in ballot paper order: Melinda JONES, Les HOTZ, Susan PAYNE, John BOWEN, and Kevin EDWARDS.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the resignation of Mayor Rachel Chambers effective Saturday 11 December 2021. As a result, North Burnett Regional Council’s around 7,200 electors will vote using a full postal ballot during January 2022.

“The by-election is a full postal ballot as requested by the Council and approved by the Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics Infrastructure, the Honourable Steven Miles MP.

“Ballot materials are printed following the close of nominations and ballot paper order draw today and will be distributed to electors by Australia Post in early January.”

Mr Vidgen said a full postal ballot means there are no polling booths or early voting centres. The only method of voting for North Burnett electors is by postal vote.

“The postal vote return deadline is Tuesday 1 February, so I ask electors to complete the voting process as soon as possible after they receive their ballot to ensure their vote is included in the count.

“There are a few steps to follow; detach your ballot paper from the declaration envelope, complete the ballot paper (there are instructions at the top of the ballot paper), insert your completed ballot paper inside the declaration envelope, seal it, sign it, and have it witnessed.

“Then put declaration envelope inside the Reply-Paid envelope and mail it straight away.

“If these steps are not completed, your vote is unlikely to be able to be counted.

“All voting must be completed before 6pm on Saturday 22 January 2022, and voting is compulsory.”

Mr Vidgen said electors who haven’t received their ballot materials by Wednesday 12 January should call the ECQ to arrange for a reissue on 1300 881 665.

Alternatively, electors can go to the Returning Officer’s office in Gayndah for replacement ballot material between 8am and 6pm on election day, Saturday 22 January. They can even complete their postal ballot on the spot then if they like and leave it with the Returning Officer.

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the section 65 of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, North Burnett Regional Council electors will use optional preferential voting for the Mayoral by-election.

“This means to make their vote count, electors can number one, some, or all the boxes on their ballot paper in their order of preference.”

All the election information for the North Burnett Regional Council Mayoral by-election is on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

The ECQ is closed over the festive season from noon on Friday 24 December 2021 to 9am on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Election timetable

Notice of Election and opening of candidate nominations

Monday 13 December

Close of roll

Monday 20 December 2021

Candidate nominations close

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon, Thursday 23 December

2:30pm, Thursday 23 December

Election day

Saturday 22 January 2022 - all voting must be completed by 6pm

Deadline for return of postal votes

Tuesday 1 February 2022


Wayne Gormley
5 Pineapple Street

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699 | General enquiries: 1300 881 665

Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council by-election: two candidates announced

Thursday 23 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said candidate nominations for the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council councillor by-election closed at noon today with the following nominations in ballot paper order: Leslie GILBERT and David JACK.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said early voting for Kowanyama’s around 700 electors will be at the Kowanyama Multi-Purpose Centre from 9am to 6pm on Friday 14 January, and on election day from 8am to 6pm, Saturday 15 January 2022.

“The voting system for an undivided council such as Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council is first-past-the-post.

“This means as there is only one candidate to be elected in this by-election, electors only need to number one box on their ballot paper for their vote to count.

“Election staff will be available during early voting and on election day to explain the voting system if electors have questions.”

Mr Vidgen said there are COVID-safe measures in place for electors voting in person.

“To stay COVID-safe, electors will be asked to stay 1.5 metres apart, use hand sanitiser, and bring their own pen or pencil if they wish.

“They will also either need to check in using the Check In Qld app or ask ECQ staff for help to check in.

“Election staff will ensure the voting areas are regularly cleaned and pencils sanitised.

“The ECQ has successfully and safely run 19 elections and by-elections across Queensland since the outbreak of COVID in early 2020.”

Mr Vidgen said electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online now, and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm on Monday 3 January 2022.

“Postal vote applications can be completed online, or by downloading a PDF form and returning this to the ECQ via mail or email.

“All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day Saturday 15 January, with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 25 January 2022.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

The first-past-the-post voting system is detailed in Section 65 of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 for undivided council elections such as the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council.

Voting information including locations and times, is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling 1300 881 665.

The ECQ is closed over the festive season from noon on Friday 24 December 2021 to 9am on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Monday 13 December 2021

Close of electoral roll

Monday 20 December 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Thursday 23 December 2021

2:30pm on Thursday 23 December 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm on Monday 3 January 2022

Early voting

9am to 6pm on Friday 14 January 2022

Election day

8am to 6pm on Saturday 15 January 2022

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 25 January 2022


Natalie Beattie
Kowanyama Multi-Purpose Centre
Kowanyama Street

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699 | General enquiries: 1300 881 665

Moreton Bay Division 7 councillor by-election: election declared, Yvonne Barlow the successful candidate

Monday 20 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the Division 7 councillor by-election for the Moreton Bay Regional Council (Moreton Bay City) has been declared, with Yvonne Barlow the successful candidate.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said a recount was requested and completed with all the votes, including postal votes received by the deadline of close of business on Tuesday 14 December, recounted and the distribution of preferences completed again.

“The recount was requested by candidate Brett Hayes and as the margin was less than 100 votes between first and second place, the request was deemed reasonable.

“The recount of all votes was carried out by four ECQ teams, and observed by senior election staff and nine nominated scrutineers, on Friday 17 December.

“After finalising the official distribution of preferences, the successful candidate, Yvonne Barlow, received approximately 50.2 per cent of the formal votes and Brett Hayes received 49.7 per cent, a difference of under one per cent.”

For this by-election, there were 16,884 votes counted equating to about 64.6per cent of the 26,130 enrolled electors in Division 7. Turnout was lower than the 77.4 per cent for the 2020 Local Government elections (LGE). However, the informality rate when voting for a councillor was just under 5 per cent, which is a slight improvement on the 2020 LGE rate of 5.4 per cent.

All Moreton Bay Regional Council Division 7 by-election information including the results, is available from the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699 | General enquiries: 1300 881 665

Moreton Bay Division 7 councillor by-election: vote recount initiated

Thursday 16 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said a recount will be undertaken for the Division 7 councillor by-election for the Moreton Bay Regional Council (Moreton Bay City).

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said a recount was requested by candidate Brett Hayes, and with a margin of less than 100 votes between first and second place, the recount was deemed reasonable.

“Legislation in Queensland does not require a recount for a margin of less than 100, as does federal legislation.

“However, it is a reasonable request in this instance because the full distribution of preferences saw some substantial shifts across candidate vote tallies.

“That is not uncommon in many elections and is one of the reasons why the legislation provides for both preliminary and official vote counts by ECQ staff.

“As a consequence, the ECQ is undertaking a recount, which includes redoing the distribution of preferences.”

The recount begins on Friday 17 December and once the process is complete and the outcome is certain, the ECQ will declare the election.

All by-election information is available from the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au. When the recount is complete, the official distribution of preferences will be uploaded to the Moreton Bay Regional Council Division 7 results page.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699, General enquiries | 1300 881 665

North Burnett Regional Council Mayoral by-election: candidate nominations now open

Monday 13 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said North Burnett Regional Council’s around 7,000 electors will vote in a Mayoral by-election using a full postal ballot during December 2021 and January 2022. The by-election was triggered by the resignation of Mayor Rachel Chambers effective Saturday 11 December 2021.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said candidate nominations for the by-election open at 10am today and close at noon on Thursday 23 December 2021.

“Under the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 there are several steps a candidate must take when nominating.

“Potential candidates need to make sure they are eligible to nominate, complete free mandatory online training through the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning website, pay a $250 deposit, and open a dedicated campaign bank account.

“A full list of requirements is on the ECQ’s website on the Election Participants page, and I encourage anyone interested in running for Mayor for North Burnett Regional Council to check this page and nominate as soon as possible.”

Mr Vidgen said the by-election is a full postal ballot as requested by the Council and approved by the Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics Infrastructure, the Honourable Steven Miles MP.

“Ballot materials will be printed and dispatched to the region’s around 7,000 electors following the close of nominations and ballot paper order draw on Thursday 23 December.

“I ask electors to complete their vote as soon as possible, make sure it goes into the declaration envelope and seal it, sign, have it witnessed, put this in the Reply-Paid envelope, and mail it straight away to ensure it arrives to be included in the count before the deadline of Tuesday 1 February 2022.

“All voting must be completed before 6pm on Saturday 22 January 2022, and voting is compulsory.”

Mr Vidgen said to make sure ballot papers are correctly delivered, electors need to be listed on the roll at their current address.

“Updates to the electoral roll for this by-election close on Monday 20 December, so now is a perfect time for North Burnett electors to check or update their enrolment at aec.gov.au.

“Anyone who has moved recently, or has just turned 18, should make sure they are correctly enrolled.

“It only takes a few minutes and can easily be done around upcoming festive season preparations,” he said.

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the section 65 of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, North Burnett Regional Council electors will use optional preferential voting for the Mayoral by-election. Deputy Mayor Robbie Radel is acting Mayor during the vacancy period as required by Section 165 of the Local Government Act 2009.

Election timetable

Notice of Election and opening of candidate nominations

Monday 13 December

Close of roll

Monday 20 December 2021

Candidate nominations close

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon, Thursday 23 December

2:30pm, Thursday 23 December

Election day

Saturday 22 January 2022 - all voting must be completed by 6pm

Deadline for return of postal votes

Tuesday 1 February 2022


Wayne Gormley

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699 | General enquiries: 1300 881 665

Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council by-election, Saturday 15 January 2022: candidate nominations now open

Monday 13 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said candidate nominations are now open for a councillor position with the Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council following the creation of a vacancy on Tuesday 16 November 2021.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said early voting for Kowanyama’s around 700 electors will be from 9am to 6pm on Friday 14 January, with election day voting from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 15 January 2022.

“Anyone interested in becoming a candidate must have completed and lodged their nomination form with the Returning Officer or the ECQ by noon on Thursday 23 December 2021.

“Nomination forms and information about becoming a candidate are available on the ECQ’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said it is important not to leave nominating until the last minute as there are some important requirements to meet.

“Under the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 there are several steps a candidate must take when nominating.

“Potential candidates need to make sure they are eligible to nominate, complete free mandatory online training through the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning website, pay a $250 deposit, and open a dedicated campaign bank account.

“A full list of requirements is on the ECQ’s website under the Election Participants page, and I encourage anyone interested in running in this councillor by-election to check this page and nominate as soon as possible.”

Mr Vidgen said now was a great time to ensure Kowanyama electors are correctly enrolled.

“Enrolling or updating your enrolment is easy and can be done online in a few minutes.

“Anyone who has moved recently, or has just turned 18, should make sure they’re correctly enrolled by going to aec.gov.au.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online now and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm on Monday 3 January 2022.

All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 25 January 2022.

In accordance with section 65 of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, the voting system is first-past-the-post as is required for undivided council elections. There is only one candidate to be elected in this by-election and this means only one box must be marked on the ballot paper for the vote to count.

Voting information including locations and times, is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling
1300 881 665.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Monday 13 December 2021

Close of electoral roll

Monday 20 December 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Thursday 23 December 2021

2:30pm on Thursday 23 December 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm on Monday 3 January 2022

Early voting

9am to 6pm on Friday 14 January 2022

Election day

8am to 6pm on Saturday 15 January 2022

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 25 January 2022


Natalie Beattie

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699 | General enquiries: 1300 881 665

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Division 5 by-election: election declared with Mabelene Whap the successful candidate

Monday 6 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared the result of the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) Division 5 by-election with Mabelene Whap the successful candidate.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said turnout was around 78 per cent across two days of voting, with 124 votes lodged and counted for the first time on election night, and the distribution of preferences following on Sunday.

“There was only one informal vote leaving 123 votes in the count."

“The successful candidate Mabelene Whap received 42 votes (34.15%), Imran Aniba received 34 (27.64%), Sabrina Mudu received 31 (25.20%) and Mazorie Townson received 16 (13.01) votes.”

Mr Vidgen said of NPARC’s 160 Division 5 electors, 124 voted equating to a 78 per cent turnout, with only one informal vote, which is an informality rate of 0.81 per cent.

“This turnout is six per cent higher than the overall council turnout of 72 per cent in the 2020 local government quadrennial elections, and one per cent higher than the Queensland average for the same election.

“On behalf of the ECQ, I’d like to thank the electors for turning out to vote, and our community partners who supported the ECQ in sharing election and voting information across Division 5 of the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council.”

Election information and the results are available on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Moreton Bay Regional Council Division 7 by-election: polls closed, the count begins

Saturday 4 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the polls have closed for the Moreton Bay Division 7 by-election, and now the count begins.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said all votes on hand, including postal votes returned to date, early votes, and election day votes, will be counted for the first time tonight.

“The preliminary count to the first preference is carried out on election night with all results posted on the ECQ’s election results website as the numbers come in and are verified.

“The voting system for this by-election as required by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 is optional preferential voting.

“This means some ballot papers may show only one candidate selected, some will show more than one candidate selected, and some will have all candidates numbered in order of preference.

“Starting tomorrow, Sunday, the votes are counted again, and once all votes are in including postal ballots, the distribution of preferences begins.”

Mr Vidgen said the successful candidate must receive 50 percent plus one of the formal votes, and a declaration is only made when the outcome is certain.

“Achieving certainty means a declaration may have to wait until after the deadline for the return of postal votes, which is Tuesday 14 December.

“The progressive results tally can be followed on election results page on the ECQ website.”

Mr Vidgen said of Division 7’s around 26,000 electors, approximately 6,600 (25 per cent) chose to vote early, and 7,700 (30 per cent) voted on election day, with 2,000 of 3,100 issued postal votes returned so far. This equates to a turnout of approximately 63 per cent, however this figure will change as postal votes continue to be returned.

As with all election counts, scrutineers are welcome to view the counting process.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Division 5 by-election: polls closed, the count begins

Saturday 4 December 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the poll has closed for the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Division 5 by-election, and now the count begins.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said all votes on hand, early votes, and election day votes, will be counted for the first time tonight.

“The preliminary count to the first preference is carried out on election night with all results posted on the ECQ’s election results website as the numbers come in and are verified.

“The voting system for this by-election as required by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 is optional preferential voting.

“This means some ballot papers may show only one candidate selected, some ballot papers will show more than one candidate selected, and some will have all candidates numbered in order of preference.

“Starting tomorrow, Sunday, the votes are counted again, and the distribution of preferences begins.”

Mr Vidgen said the successful candidate must receive 50 percent plus one of the formal votes, and a declaration is only made when the outcome is certain.

“The progressive results tally can be followed on election results page on the ECQ website.”

Mr Vidgen said of NPARC’s 160 Division 5 electors, around 61 chose to vote early, 54 chose to vote on election day and ten people voted by telephone. This equates to a turnout of approximately 78 per cent, to be finalised after checking of declaration votes.

As with all election counts, scrutineers are welcome to view the counting process.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Moreton Bay Division 7 councillor by-election: final week of early voting, election day Saturday 4 December

29 November 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting is in its final week for the Moreton Bay councillor by-election with 3,845 or 14.7 per cent of Division 7’s 26,130 electors already taking advantage of the first week of early voting.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said electors can vote from 9am to 5pm until Thursday 2 December, and from 9am to 6pm on Friday 3 December and between 8am and 6pm on election day Saturday 4 December.

“Early voting is available in Shop 1A at the Lillybrook Shopping Village in Kallangur and election day voting will be available at six polling booths, one each in Dakabin, Kallangur, Kallangur East, Kallangur West, Murrumba Downs, and Murrumba Downs North.

“All voting locations and times are on the ECQ website and there is also a list of the candidates who have nominated.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Mr Vidgen said as required by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, the system of voting for divided councils such as Moreton Bay, is optional preferential voting.

“This means electors can number one, some, or all the candidates on their ballot paper, in their order of preference starting with 1.”

Moreton Bay’s Division 7 electors have been sent a Voter Information Card (VIC), and they are encouraged to bring that with them to the polling booth to assist with finding the elector’s details on the roll.

“Electors will receive their VIC in the mail, and if they have their email address listed on the electoral roll, they will receive an e-version as well,” Mr Vidgen said.

“As a COVID-safe requirement, you will also either need to check in using the Check In Qld app or ask ECQ staff for help to check you in.”

The deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 14 December. All election information is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling 1300 661 885.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Friday 5 November 2021

Close of electoral roll

Thursday 11 November 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12pm, Monday 15 November 2021

2:30pm, Monday 15 November 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 22 November 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 22 November to 6pm Friday 3 December 2021

Telephone voting (for eligible electors)

From Monday 22 November for registration and voting taking. Registrations close at 12pm on election day, and all voting must take place by 6pm on election day.

Election day

Saturday 4 December 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Moreton Bay Division 7 councillor by-election: early voting now open, election day Saturday 4 December

Monday 22 November 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting is now open for the Moreton Bay Division 7 councillor by-election and is available from 9am to 5pm every weekday until Thursday 2 December, and from 9am to 6pm on Friday 3 December.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Division 7’s around 26,130 electors can also vote between 8am and 6pm on election day Saturday 4 December.

“Early voting is available in Shop 1A at the Lillybrook Shopping Village in Kallangur and election day voting will be available at six polling booths, one each in Dakabin, Kallangur, Kallangur East, Kallangur West, Murrumba Downs, and Murrumba Downs North.

“All voting locations and times are on the ECQ website and there is also a list of the candidates who have nominated.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Mr Vidgen said as required by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, the system of voting for divided councils such as Moreton Bay, is optional preferential voting.

“This means electors can number one, some, or all the candidates on their ballot paper, in their order of preference starting with 1.”

Moreton Bay’s Division 7 electors have been sent a Voter Information Card (VIC), and they are encouraged to bring that with them to the polling booth to assist with finding the elector’s details on the roll.

“Electors will receive their VIC in the mail, and if they have their email address listed on the electoral roll, they will receive an e-version as well,” Mr Vidgen said.

“As a COVID-safe requirement, you will also either need to check in using the Check In Qld app or ask ECQ staff for help to check you in.”

Electors wanting to apply for a postal vote can still do so online now and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm tonight, Monday 22 November.

All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 14 December.

All election information is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling 1300 661 885.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Friday 5 November 2021

Close of electoral roll

Thursday 11 November 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12pm, Monday 15 November 2021

2:30pm, Monday 15 November 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 22 November 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 22 November to 6pm Friday 3 December 2021

Telephone voting (for eligible electors)

From Monday 22 November for registration and voting taking. Registrations close at 12pm on election day, and all voting must take place by 6pm on election day.

Election day

Saturday 4 December 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Moreton Bay Regional Council Division 7 councillor by-election: six candidates nominate

Monday 15 November 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said following the close of nominations at noon today, the ballot paper order draw was conducted and the Division 7 councillor candidates for the Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) in ballot paper order are: Yvonne BARLOW, Dean TEASDALE, Ryan BAKKER, Brett HAYES, Jacqui FINDLAY, and Ben WOOD.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Division 7’s around 26,130 electors can vote on election day Saturday 4 December or vote early during the two weeks from Monday 22 November to Friday 3 December.

“Early voting is available in Shop 1A at the Lillybrook Shopping Village in Kallangur with voting between 9am and 5pm each weekday except for Friday 3 December where voting is 9am to 6pm.

“Election day voting is available at six election day polling booths, one each in Dakabin, Kallangur, Kallangur East, Kallangur West, Murrumba Downs, and Murrumba Downs North, between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 4 December.

“All voting locations and times are on the ECQ website.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Mr Vidgen said as required by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, the system of voting for divided councils such as Moreton Bay, is optional preferential voting.

“This means electors can number one, some, or all the candidates on their ballot paper, in their order of preference starting with 1.”

Moreton Bay’s Division 7 electors are being sent a Voter Information Card (VIC), and they are encouraged to bring that with them to the polling booth to assist with finding the elector’s details on the roll.

“Electors will receive their VIC in the mail, and if they have their email address listed on the electoral roll they will receive an e-version as well,” Mr Vidgen said.

“As a COVID-safe requirement, you will also either need to check in using the Check In Qld app or ask ECQ staff for help to check you in.”

Electors wanting to apply for a postal vote can do so online now and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm on Monday 22 November.

All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 14 December.

All election information is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling 1300 661 885.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Friday 5 November 2021

Close of electoral roll

Thursday 11 November 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12pm, Monday 15 November 2021

2:30pm, Monday 15 November 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 22 November 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from 9am to 5pm from Monday 22 November Thursday 2 December, and from 9am to 6pm on Friday 3 December 2021

Telephone voting (for eligible electors)

From Monday 22 November for telephone voting PDF (0.84 MB) registration and voting taking.

Registrations close at 12pm on election day, and all voting must take place by 6pm on election day.

Election day

Saturday 4 December 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Division 5 councillor by-election: four candidates nominate

Monday 15 November 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said following the close of nominations at noon today, the ballot paper order draw was conducted and the candidates for Division 5 councillor for the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) in ballot paper order are: Sabrina MUDU, Mazorie TOWNSON, Imran ANIBA, and Mabelene WHAP.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said there are around 150 electors in NPARC’s Division 5, and both early and election day voting will be available at The Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre.

“Early voting is from 9am to 6pm on Friday 3 December, and election day voting from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 4 December.

“As required by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, the system of voting for divided councils such as NPARC, is optional preferential voting.

“This means electors can number one, some, or all the candidates on their ballot paper, in their order of preference starting with 1.”

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory for all levels of government in Queensland.”

Mr Vidgen said electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online now and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm on Monday 22 November.

“All voting, including postal voting, must be completed by 6pm on election day Saturday 4 December, with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 14 December.”

Electors in NPARC Division 5 who have included their email address on the roll, will receive a Voter Information Card (VIC) by email from the ECQ before the start of early voting.

“Electors are encouraged to bring the email with them to the polling booth to assist with finding the elector’s details on the roll,” Mr Vidgen said.

“As a COVID-safe requirement, electors will also either need to check in using the Check In Qld app or ask ECQ staff for help to check in.”

All election information is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling 1300 881 665.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Friday 5 November 2021

Close of electoral roll

Thursday 11 November 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12pm, Monday 15 November 2021

2:30pm, Monday 15 November 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 22 November 2021

Early voting

Friday 3 December 2021
9am to 6pm
The Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre

Telephone voting (for eligible electors)

From Monday 22 November for telephone voting PDF (0.84 MB) registration and voting taking.

Registrations close at 12pm on election day, and all voting must take place by 6pm on election day.

Election day

Saturday 4 December 2021
8am to 6pm
The Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 14 December 2021


Alicia Hangan
The Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre
Tumema Street
Seisia QLD

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Moreton Bay Division 7 councillor by-election Saturday 4 December 2021: candidate nominations now open

Friday 5 November 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said candidate nominations are now open for Division 7 councillor for the Moreton Bay Regional Council following the resignation of councillor Denise Sims on Wednesday 20 October 2021.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said election day will be on Saturday 4 December, with early voting running for two weeks from Monday 22 November to Friday 3 December.

“Anyone interested in becoming a candidate for Division 7 must have completed and lodged their nomination form with the Returning Officer or the ECQ by noon on Monday 15 November.

“Nomination forms and information about becoming a candidate are available on the ECQ’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said it is important not to leave nominating until the last minute as there are some important requirements to meet.

“A non-endorsed candidate must be nominated by at least 6 electors who are enrolled in division 7 of the Moreton Bay Council.

“A candidate endorsed by a registered political party must be nominated by the registered officer of the party.

“There is also a deposit of $250 to be paid and all candidates are required to complete mandatory online training within the six months prior to nominating.”

Mr Vidgen said now was a great time to ensure Moreton Bay Division 7 electors are correctly enrolled.

“Enrolling or updating your enrolment is easy and can be done online in a few minutes.

“Anyone who has moved recently, or has just turned 18, should make sure they’re correctly enrolled by going to aec.gov.au.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online now and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm on Monday 22 November.

All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 14 December.

Voting information including locations and times, is available at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election timetable

Notice of election and opening of candidate nominations

Friday 5 November 2021

Close of electoral roll

Thursday 11 November 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12pm, Monday 15 November 2021

2:30pm, Monday 15 November 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 22 November 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 22 November to 6pm Friday 3 December 2021

Telephone voting (for eligible electors)

From Monday 22 November for registration and voting taking. Registrations close at 12pm on election day, and all voting must take place by 6pm on election day.

Election day

Saturday 4 December 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Division 5 councillor by-election, Saturday 4 December 2021: candidate nominations now open

Friday 5 November 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said candidate nominations are now open for Division 5 councillor for the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) following the creation of a vacancy on Wednesday 20 October 2021.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said election day will be on Saturday 4 December, with early voting running during the week beginning Monday 29 November.

“Anyone interested in becoming a candidate for Division 5 must have completed and lodged their nomination form with the Returning Officer or the ECQ by noon on Monday 15 November.

“Nomination forms and information about becoming a candidate are available on the ECQ’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said it is important not to leave nominating until the last minute as there are some important requirements to meet.

“A non-endorsed candidate must be nominated by at least 6 electors who are enrolled in Division 5 of the NPARC.

“A candidate endorsed by a registered political party must be nominated by the registered officer of the party.

“There is also a deposit of $250 to be paid and all candidates are required to complete mandatory online training within the six months prior to nominating.”

Mr Vidgen said now was a great time to ensure NPARC Division 5 electors are correctly enrolled.

“Enrolling or updating your enrolment is easy and can be done online in a few minutes.

“Anyone who has moved recently, or has just turned 18, should make sure they’re correctly enrolled by going to aec.gov.au.

“I remind electors, voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online now and applications must be received by the ECQ prior to 7pm on Monday 22 November. All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 14 December.

Voting information including locations and times, is available at ecq.qld.gov.au or by calling 1300 881 665.

Election timetable

Notice of election PDF (0.13 MB) and opening of candidate nominations

Friday 5 November 2021

Close of electoral roll

Thursday 11 November 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12pm, Monday 15 November 2021

2:30pm, Monday 15 November 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 22 November 2021

Early voting

From Monday 29 November 2021
The Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre

Telephone voting (for eligible electors)

Further details will be available on the ECQ’s website.

Election day

Saturday 4 December 2021
8am to 6pm
Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 14 December 2021


Alicia Hangan
The Seisia Indigenous Knowledge Centre
Tumema Street
Seisia QLD

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council by-election declared: Kiri Tabuai elected unopposed

Monday 6 September 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations closed at noon today for the Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council by-election, with Kiri Tabuai the only candidate to nominate.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said in accordance with the Local Government Electoral Act, the election is deemed as uncontested, and Kiri Tabuai is declared elected unopposed.

Nominations were open from the Notice of Election on Friday 27 August until 12pm today, Monday 6 September.

Mr Vidgen said the by-election was triggered following the resignation of Councillor Margaret Mara on Tuesday 3 August 2021.

The Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council by-election information page is on the ECQ website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Notice of election 

Friday 27 August 2021

Candidate nominations open

Friday 27 August 2021

Close of roll

Thursday 2 September 2021 at 5pm

Close of nominations

Monday 6 September 2021 at noon

Election declared

Monday 6 September 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council councillor by-election: candidate nominations open Friday 27 August 2021

Wednesday 25 August 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said a councillor by-election will be held for the Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council, with early voting on Friday 24 September and election day voting on Saturday 25 September. A by-election is required in accordance with the Local Government Act to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Councillor Margaret Mara on Monday 2 August.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said candidate nominations open after the Notice of Election is published on the ECQ website at 10am on Friday 27 August, and close at noon on Monday 6 September.

“Candidates have a number of important tasks to undertake when nominating,” Mr Vidgen said.

“These tasks include completing an online training module required by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, opening a dedicated campaign bank account, understanding candidate disclosure obligations, and paying a deposit of $250.

“Anyone interested in nominating should do so well before the deadline to ensure all tasks are completed in time.

“Nomination forms are available on the ECQ website or from the Returning Officer, and we are available to answer questions from those interested in nominating.”

Mr Vidgen said Mapoon’s approximately 200 electors can vote at the Mapoon Council building at Council Red Beach Road with early voting between 9am and 6pm on Friday 24 Saturday, and election day voting between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 25 September.

“Anyone choosing to postal vote should apply via the ECQ website as soon as possible so ballot materials can be sent promptly following the close of nominations and ballot paper order draw on Monday 6 September.”

Mr Vidgen said there is still time to enrol to vote or update enrolment details at aec.gov.au before the roll closes at 5pm on Thursday 2 September.

“Enrolling to vote or checking your enrolment is easy online and only takes a few minutes.

“Voting is one of the most important civic duties in a democracy, and I remind electors enrolling and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council by-election is first-past-the-post as determined in the Local Government Electoral Act for an undivided multimember council.

“This means electors only need to number one box on their ballot paper, as there is one candidate to be elected.”

The Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council by-election information page is on the ECQ website at ecq.qld.gov.au

Notice of election Friday 27 August 2021

Candidate nominations openFriday 27 August 2021
Close of rollThursday 2 September 2021 at 5pm
Close of nominationsMonday 6 September 2021 at noon
Ballot paper order drawMonday 6 September at 2:30pm
Postal ballot printing and dispatchFrom Monday 6 September 2021
Early voting9am to 6pm, Friday 24 September 2021
Election day8am to 6pm, Saturday 25 September 2021 
all voting including postal voting, must be completed by 6pm on election day
Last day for return of postal votesTuesday 5 October 2021 at 5pm
Returning OfficerNatalie Beattie, natalie.beattie@elections.qld.gov.au 
All media enquires must be directed to the ECQ media team – contact details below.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Isaac Regional Council Division 6 by-election: Carolyn Moriarty declared elected unopposed

Monday 2 August 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations closed today for the Isaac Regional Council Division 6 by-election with Carolyn Moriarty the only candidate to nominate.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said in accordance with the Local Government Electoral Act, the election is deemed as uncontested, and Ms Moriarty is declared elected unopposed.

“Nominations were open from the Notice of Election on Friday 23 July until 12pm today Monday 2 August.”

Mr Vidgen said the by-election was triggered when CEO Gary Stevenson PSM requested the ECQ conduct an election to fill the Division 6 vacancy.

To view the candidate nomination, go to the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Candidate nominations open

Postal vote applications open

10am on Friday 23 July 2021

Close of roll

Closed at 5pm on Thursday 29 July 2021

Close of nominations  

Noon on Monday 2 August 2021


Heather Barker

Clermont Civic Centre, Cnr Karmoo and Daintree Streets, Clermont


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Isaac Regional Council Division 6 by-election: nominations close at noon, Monday 2 August

Thursday 29 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations close for the Isaac Regional Council Division 6 by-election at noon on Monday 2 August.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said nomination forms are available on the ECQ website or from the Returning Officer, with a deposit of $250 to be paid at the time of nomination.

“Candidates have several legislated tasks to undertake and these take some time to complete, so anyone interested in nominating should to do so well before the deadline.

“The legislated tasks include opening a dedicated campaign bank account, preparing to declare their personal interests, and completing the free online training module available on the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said voting is one of the most important civic duties in a democracy, and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.

“Election day for Isaac Regional Council’s Division 6 voters is Saturday 21 August, with early voting at the Clermont Civic Centre from Wednesday 18 August to Friday 20 August

“Electors interested in applying for a postal vote can do so now online or via a PDF form by accessing the ECQ website.

“Ballot materials are dispatched to registered postal voters following the ballot paper order draw on Monday 2 August and printing of ballot papers.

“Postal vote applications close at 7pm on Monday 9 August.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Isaac Regional Council by-election is optional preferential as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 for a single member division within a council.

The by-election was triggered when CEO Gary Stevenson PSM requested the ECQ conduct an election to fill the Division 6 vacancy.

All election information including voting information and nomination forms and requirements, is at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Candidate nominations open

Postal vote applications open

10am on Friday 23 July 2021

Close of roll

Closed at 5pm on Thursday 29 July 2021

Close of nominations  

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Monday 2 August 2021

2:30pm on Monday 2 August 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm on Monday 9 August 2021

Early voting

9am to 5pm on Wednesday 18 August 2021

9am to 5 pm on Thursday 19 August 2021

9am to 6pm on Friday 20 August 2021

Clermont Civic Centre, corner of Karmoo and Daintree Streets, Clermont

Election day

Saturday 21 August 2021

Voting venues to be confirmed

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 31 August 2021


Heather Barker

Clermont Civic Centre, Cnr Karmoo and Daintree Streets, Clermont


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Division 6 by-election:  Renee McLeod declared successful candidate

Wednesday 28 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the successful candidate for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council Division 6 by-election is Renee McLeod gaining around 54 per cent.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said 2,384 or nearly 70 per cent of the 3,419 electors in Division 6 voted in the election that saw seven candidates nominate following the resignation of councillor Kylie Farinelli.

“Around 1060 electors voted early, 1225 voted on election day, with 93 of the 100 postal votes returned by the deadline,” Mr Vidgen said.

“The ECQ needed to wait until the deadline for the return of postal votes to complete the official distribution of preferences count before the by-election could be declared. This occurred on Wednesday 28 July 2021.”

The full distribution of preferences can be viewed on the results website.

The voting system for the Cassowary Coast by-election was optional preferential as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011.

For all election information including the election results, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Stretton State by-election declared: James Martin successful

Tuesday 27 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared the outcome for the Stretton by-election with the successful candidate James Martin receiving 56.58 percent of the first preference vote.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said it was possible to declare the Stretton by-election so soon after election day because Mr Martin had a decisive lead following the first preference count.

“The other candidates are unable to overtake Mr Martin’s lead with Jim Bellos receiving 32.67 percent of the formal votes cast, Andrea Wildin 6.48 per cent, Jasmine Melhop 2.44 per cent, and Suzanne Clarke 1.84 per cent.”

Mr Vidgen said there was a strong turnout for a by-election with 74 per cent or around 25,000 of Stretton’s 34,000 electors voting to elect their new member of Parliament. The final turnout will be determined after the deadline for return of postal votes on Tuesday, 3 August 2021.

"More than 18,000 electors voted in person with around 10,800 on election day, and 7,800 during early voting.

“Around 330 electors telephone voted, and over 8,500 applied for a postal vote of which more than 6,100 have already been returned and accepted.

“Around 3.4 per cent of the votes cast were informal, meaning they could not contribute to the result.

“This is consistent with the informality rate at the State general election in October 2020.”

Mr Vidgen said the counting process will continue until after the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 3 August.

“All votes are counted even if the outcome is certain and the successful candidate can be declared before the deadline for the return of postal votes.

“The ECQ’s website will continue to be updated as postal votes are returned.

“The incoming votes will not affect the certainty of the outcome as Mr Martin already has more than 50 per cent plus one of the formal votes.

“However, I urge any voters who have completed a postal vote but not yet returned it, to send it back to the ECQ before the deadline so their vote can be recorded.”

Mr Vidgen said he would like that thank electors for respecting the COVID-safe guidelines at voting venues and signing in using the Check In Qld app.

The by-election was triggered with the issue of the writ by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO on 29 June 2021.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Stretton State by-election: polls closed, the count begins

Saturday 24 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the polls are closed for the Stretton by-election and the preliminary count is now underway,

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said more than 18,000 of Stretton’s almost 34,000 electors have voted in person in the by-election, with around 10,200 on election day, and 7,800 during early voting. Around 330 electors telephone voted, and over 8500 applied for a postal vote of which 5,500 have already been returned and accepted. The final turnout for the by-election can only be determined once all data is collected and the deadline for return of postal votes has passed.

“Postal voting must have been completed by 6pm today.

“I ask electors who have not already returned their postal votes to do so immediately so they arrive at the ECQ before the deadline of Tuesday 3 August.”

Mr Vidgen said the unofficial preliminary count is well underway, and involves counting the first preferences in early, election day, telephone, and postal votes on hand.

“The first step for the count team is to check if a vote is formal by ensuring all the boxes are properly numbered on the ballot paper.

“Voting in the Stretton by-election was full preferential, where every box on the ballot paper needs to be numbered in order of preference, starting with one.

“Then the first preferences on the formal ballot papers are counted by looking for the number one next to a candidate’s name and allocating the vote to that person.

“When official preference distribution begins the person with the lowest number of first preference votes will is eliminated from the count and their second preferences are allocated to the remaining candidates.

“This process continues until two candidates remain.”

Mr Vidgen said the counting process is repeated for the official first preference count in the days following election day and postal votes are also progressively included in the count as they are returned.

“Results are progressively updated on the ECQ’s website and a declaration of the successful candidate can only be made when the outcome is certain.

“This may require waiting until the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 3 August.”

Mr Vidgen thanks electors for respecting the COVID-safe guidelines at voting venues and signing in using the Check In Qld app.

The by-election was triggered with the issue of the writ by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO on 29 June 2021.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Isaac Regional Council Division 6 by-election: Saturday 21 August 2021

Friday 23 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said election day for the Isaac Regional Council Division 6 by-election will be Saturday 21 August with early voting at the Clermont Civic Centre from Wednesday 18 August to Friday 20 August.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said by-election was triggered when CEO Gary Stevenson PSM requested the ECQ conduct an election to fill the Division 6 vacancy.

“The vacancy will be filled in accordance with the Local Government Act through an attendance ballot including three days of early voting, voting on election day, and postal voting.

“Electors interested in applying for a postal vote can do so now online or via a PDF form by accessing the ECQ website.

“Ballot materials are dispatched to registered postal voters following the ballot paper order draw and printing of ballot papers on Monday 2 August.

“Postal vote applications close at 7pm on Monday 9 August.”

Mr Vidgen said candidate nominations for the election open today and will close at noon on Monday 2 August.

“Nomination forms are available on the ECQ website or from the Returning Officer, with a deposit of $250 to be paid at the time of nomination.

“Candidates have several legislated tasks to undertake and these take some time to complete, so anyone interested in nominating should to do so well before the deadline.

“The legislated tasks include opening a dedicated campaign bank account, preparing to declare their personal interests, and completing the free online training module available on the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said there’s still time for Isaac’s approximately 1300 Division 6 electors to check their enrolment details at aec.gov.au before the roll closes on Thursday 29 July.

“Enrolling or checking your enrolment is easy online and only takes a few minutes.

“Voting is one of the most important civic duties we can undertake in a democracy, and I remind electors enrolling and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

The voting system for the Isaac Regional Council by-election is optional preferential as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 for a single member division within a council.

For all election information including voting information and nomination forms and requirements, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Candidate nominations open

Postal vote applications open

10am on Friday 23 July 2021

Close of roll

5pm on Thursday 29 July 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Monday 2 August 2021

2:30pm on Monday 2 August 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm on Monday 9 August 2021

Early voting

9am to 5pm on Wednesday 18 August 2021

9am to 5 pm on Thursday 19 August 2021

9am to 6pm on Friday 20 August 2021

Clermont Civic Centre, corner of Karmoo and Daintree Streets, Clermont

Election day

Saturday 21 August 2021

Voting venues to be confirmed

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Stretton State by-election: election day Saturday 24 July

Thursday 22 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said election day voting for the Stretton by-election is between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 24 July.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said there are five election day voting venues: Kuraby State School, Runcorn State High School, Runcorn Heights State School, Stretton State College (Illaweena Campus) and Sunnybank Hills State School.

“All election day polling booths are located within the electorate of Stretton with voting between 8am and 6pm.

“Electors who voted outside the Stretton electorate at the State election in October must vote within the electorate for this by-election.

“Electors can help make voting as quick and safe as possible, by planning their vote, bringing their Voter Information Card if they have one, checking-in using the Check In Qld app, staying 1.5 metres apart, using hand sanitiser, bringing a pen or pencil with them if they wish, and following all Queensland Health advice including wearing of masks.”

Mr Vidgen said so far 5494 of Stretton’s almost 34,000 electors have chosen to vote early in person, 146 have telephone voted, with 8605 applying for a postal vote of which 4780 have already been returned. This means around 30 per cent of electors have already voted in the by-election.

“Anyone who still wants to vote early can do so until 6pm tomorrow at 1/17 Learoyd Road in Acacia Ridge or at the ECQ office on level 20 at 1 Eagle Street in Brisbane city on Friday 23 July.

“All voting, including postal voting, must be completed before 6pm on election day Saturday 24 July.

“The deadline for the return of postal votes is Tuesday 3 August.

“If anyone needs help understanding the postal voting process, they can access the Language Loop interpreter service via the Accessibility link on the ECQ website.”

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said to assist electors in one of Queensland’s’ most multicultural electorates, the ECQ has provided each polling booth with the Multilingual Guide to Voting and posters in easy English and the most common languages spoken in the electorate: Cantonese, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Arabic.

“Making the democratic process easy to understand for all electors is crucial and the electorate of Stretton is one of our most richly diverse communities with more than 20 languages spoken in the home according to Census data.

“I encourage electors who may prefer to read about voting in another language to check out the Multilingual Guide to Voting available on the Stretton by-election page on the ECQ’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said the ECQ continues to take advice from Queensland Health about COVID-safe measures for polling booths, including signing in using the Check In Qld app.

“In addition to using the app and in line with previous elections, ECQ election staff will ensure voting areas are regularly cleaned and recommended numbers are maintained within voting venues.

“Electors not familiar with the Check In Qld app can ask election staff for assistance when they arrive to vote.”

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992, voting in the Stretton by-election is full preferential, where every box on the ballot paper must be numbered in order of preference, starting with one.

“Full preferential voting means to ensure your vote counts, number every box on the ballot paper in your order of preference starting with one.

“As there are five candidates, that means electors will need to number one through to five in their preferred order.

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory.”

The by-election was triggered with the issue of the writ on 29 June 2021 by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO.

All Stretton by-election voting locations and times can all be found on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Richmond councillor by-election declared: Nick Buick successful candidate

Wednesday 21 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared the successful candidate in the Richmond Shire Council by-election as Nick Buick.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the resignation of Deputy Mayor Kevin Bawden on 17 May requiring a by-election to fill the vacancy.

“Three candidates nominated to contest the vacant councillor role: Suzanne Johnson, Nick Buick, and Jaime McLachlan.

“Mr Buick received more than 52 per cent per cent of the votes following the official count, which places him as the elected candidate.

“Ms Johnson received just under 34 per cent and Ms McLachlan around 14 per cent.”

Mr Vidgen said of the 555 electors, 376 votes were counted in the by-election with 90 early votes, 146 postal votes, six in-person declaration votes, and 134 electors voting on election day. Only two votes were found to be informal.

There are 555 electors on the roll in Richmond Shire Council for this by-election and the turnout was 68%, which is not dissimilar to other Queensland council by-elections.

All Richmond Shire Council by-election information including the voting results can be viewed at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Stretton State by-election: early voting continues from Monday 19 July

Friday 16 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting for the Stretton by-election continues from 9am to 5pm on Monday 19 July through to Thursday 22 July, and between 9am and 6pm on Friday 23 July. Election day voting is from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 24 July.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said around 3000 of Stretton’s 34,000 electors have already taken advantage of the first week of early voting at either in Acacia Ridge at Unit 1, 17 Learoyd Road, or at the ECQ office on level 20, 1 Eagle Street in Brisbane city.

“Providing two weeks of early voting means Stretton electors can choose a convenient time to vote.

“Ballot materials for the around 8,500 postal voters have been progressively dispatched following the ballot paper order draw on Wednesday 7 July.

“For election day, there are five voting venues located within the Stretton electorate: Kuraby State School, Runcorn State High School, Runcorn Heights State School, Stretton State College (Illaweena Campus), and Sunnybank Hills State School.

“To assist electors in one of Queensland’s most multicultural electorates, the ECQ is providing a Multilingual Guide to Voting in all polling booths, as well as voting information posters in easy English and the most common languages spoken in the electorate: Cantonese, Mandarin, Punjabi, and Arabic.

“If a candidate has submitted a how-to-vote card, electors can view it on the ECQ website from the candidate link on the Stretton by-election timetable page.”

Mr Vidgen said the ECQ continues to take advice from Queensland Health about a range of COVID-safe measures for polling booths, including signing in using the Check In Qld app when going to a voting venue.

“Electors can help make voting as quick and safe as possible, by planning their vote, knowing where and when they will vote, bringing their Voter information Card if they have one, staying 1.5 metres apart, using hand sanitiser, bringing a pen or pencil with them if they wish, and following all Queensland Health directions including wearing a mask if this if required.

“Electors who aren’t familiar with the Check In Qld app can ask election staff for assistance when they arrive to vote.

“In addition to registering with the app and in line with previous elections, ECQ election staff will ensure voting areas are regularly cleaned and recommended numbers are maintained within voting venues.”

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992, voting in the Stretton by-election will be full preferential, where every box on the ballot paper must be numbered in order of preference, starting with one.

“Full preferential voting means to ensure your vote counts, number every box on the ballot paper in your order of preference starting with one.

“As there are five candidates, electors will need to number one through to five in their preferred order.

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory.”

The by-election was triggered with the issue of the writ on 29 June 2021 by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO.

For all Stretton by-election information go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Stretton by-election key milestones

Election milestone 


Issue of writ

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Tuesday 29 June 2021

Close on Monday 12 July 2021

Close of electoral roll

Monday 5 July 2021

Close of candidate nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon on Wednesday 7 July 2021

2:30pm on Wednesday 7 July 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 12 July to Friday 23 July 2021

Election day

Saturday 24 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Division 6: election day Saturday 17 July

Thursday 15 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said election day voting is between 8am and 6pm for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s Division 6 by-election on Saturday 17 July.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said around 3,400 electors in Division 6 can vote on election day or can still early vote on Thursday 15 July until 5pm and on Friday 16 July from 9am to 6pm.

“Around 600 electors have already early voted in the by-election including the return of more than 30 postal votes.

“Early voting is still available at the Shire Hall, 70 Rankin Street, this week until Friday 16 July.

“Election day voting will take place at the Innisfail East State School and Mourilyan State School between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 17 July.

“Postal voters should complete their ballot paper before 6pm on election day and return it in the Reply-Paid envelope as soon as possible.

“To be included in the count, the ECQ must have received postal votes by the deadline of Tuesday 27 July.”

The voting system for the Cassowary Coast by-election is optional preferential as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011.

The by-election result will be declared when the outcome is certain. This may require waiting until the deadline for the return of postal votes.

For all election information including nomination forms and requirements, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Friday 18 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Friday 18 June 2021

Close at 7pm on Monday 5 July 2021

Close of roll

5pm on Thursday 24 June 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Monday 28 June 2021

2:30pm on Monday 28 June 2021

Early voting

9am to 5pm from Monday 12 July to Thursday 15 July and 9am to 6pm on Friday 16 July 2021

Election day

8am to 6pm on Saturday 17 July

Deadline for the return of postal votes

5pm on Tuesday 27 July 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Stretton State by-election: early voting begins Monday 12 July

Friday 9 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting for the Stretton by-election begins on Monday 12 July and continues every weekday from 9am to 5pm through to Thursday 22 July, and between 9am and 6pm on Friday 23 July. Election day voting is from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 24 July.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Stretton electors have a total of eleven voting days with ten days of early voting, ensuring they can select a convenient time to choose their new State representative.

“Early voting is available at two locations: in Acacia Ridge at Unit 1, 17 Learoyd Road, and the ECQ office on level 20, 1 Eagle Street in Brisbane city.

“There are five election day voting venues: Kuraby State School, Runcorn State High School, Runcorn Heights State School, Stretton State College (Illaweena Campus) and Sunnybank Hills State School.

“All polling booths are located within the electorate of Stretton.

“Electors are reminded that if they voted outside the Stretton electorate at the State election in October, they must go to a polling booth within the Stretton electorate for this by-election.

“All locations and voting times can all be found on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.”

Mr Vidgen said the ECQ continues to take advice from Queensland Health about a range of COVID-safe measures for polling booths, including signing in using the Check In Qld app when going to a voting venue.

“This is the same app most of us are familiar with and use for checking in when shopping or going to a cafĂ© or restaurant.

“In addition to registering with the app and in line with previous elections, ECQ election staff will ensure voting areas are regularly cleaned and recommended numbers are maintained within voting venues.

“Electors who aren’t familiar with the Check In Qld app can ask election staff for assistance when they arrive to vote.”

Mr Vidgen said electors can help make voting as quick and safe as possible, by planning their vote, knowing where and when they will vote, staying 1.5 metres apart, using hand sanitiser, bringing a pen or pencil with them if they wish and following all Queensland Health directions including wearing a mask if this is required.

“In addition to these measures and to support speedy voting, the ECQ is sending a Voter Information Card or VIC to every enrolled elector in the electorate of Stretton.

“By bringing the VIC when voting, election staff can mark electors off the roll quickly and easily.

“This helps ensure most electors will only spend a few minutes in a polling booth when casting their vote.”

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992, voting in the Stretton by-election will be full preferential, where every box on the ballot paper must be numbered in order of preference, starting with one.

“Full preferential voting means to ensure your vote counts, number every box on the ballot paper in your order of preference starting with one.

“As there are five candidates, that means electors will need to number one through to five in their preferred order.

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory.”

The by-election was triggered with the issue of the writ on 29 June 2021 by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO.

For all Stretton by-election information go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Stretton by-election key milestones

Election milestone 


Issue of writ

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Tuesday 29 June 2021

Close on Monday 12 July 2021

Close of electoral roll

Monday 5 July 2021

Close of candidate nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon on Wednesday 7 July 2021

2:30pm on Wednesday 7 July 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 12 July to Friday 23 July 2021

Election day

Saturday 24 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

  • Make sure you’re correctly enrolled at aec.gov.au

The ECQ’s media statements are at ecq.qld.gov.au/media

Richmond Shire Council by-election: voting begins

Thursday 8 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said voting for the Richmond Shire councillor by-election begins today at the Richmond Council Chambers, Woolgar Room at 65 Goldring Street from 9am to 5pm on Thursday 8 July, and from 9am to 6pm on Friday 9 July. Election day voting will also be in the Woolgar Room from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 10 July.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said postal vote applications are closed and postal votes have been progressively dispatched following the ballot paper order draw on 22 June.

“Electors who are postal voting should complete their ballot paper and return it in the reply-paid envelope as soon as possible.

“All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day, Saturday 10 July.

“To be included in the count, the ECQ must receive postal ballot papers by Tuesday 20 July.

“Voting is one of the most important civic duties we can undertake in a democracy, and I remind electors enrolling and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for an undivided council is determined in the Local Government Electoral Act as first-past-the-post.

“There are three candidates on the ballot paper: Suzanne Johnson, Nick Buick, and Jaime McLachlan.

“However, first-past-the-post means electors only have to choose one candidate on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected,” he said.

Mr Vidgen said the ECQ will implement a COVID-safe plan for polling and vote counting that is developed in consultation with health authorities.

“Our message to electors is plan your vote, use the Check In Queensland app, stay 1.5 metres apart, use hand sanitiser, and bring your own pen or pencil and wear a mask if you wish.

“It’s important to note that during the 2020 local government and State general elections there were no spikes in COVID infections across the state despite over two million electors voting in person at each election.”

Mr Vidgen said the Richmond Shire Council by-election was triggered by the resignation of Deputy Mayor Kevin Bawden on 17 May.

For all election information including voting information and locations, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Candidate nominations open

Postal vote applications open

Friday 11 June 2021

Close of roll

Thursday 17 June 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon, Tuesday 22 June 2021

2pm, Tuesday 22 June 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 28 June 2021

Early voting

Thursday 8 July 2021

Friday 9 July 2021

Election day

Saturday 10 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Stretton State by-election: five candidates announced

Wednesday 7 July 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations for the Stretton by-election have closed today with five candidates vying for the State electorate: Andrea Wildin (The Greens), James Martin (Australian Labor Party), Jim Bellos (LNP), Jasmine Melhop (Informed Medical Options Party), and Suzanne Clarke (Animal Justice Party).

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered with the issue of a writ by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO on Tuesday 29 June.

“Healthy democracies rely on people in our communities putting their hand up to be a candidate.

“At the 2020 October State election four candidates from four political parties contested the Stretton electorate and for this by-election, we see five candidates from five registered political parties asking for voters’ support to represent their community.”

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992, Stretton’s approximately 34,000 electors will use full preferential voting, where every box on the ballot paper must be numbered in order of their preference, starting with one.

“As there are five candidates, electors will need to number 1 through to 5 in the order they prefer.

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory.”

Mr Vidgen said to help electors vote, posters in four languages and one in simple English explaining the voting process will be available in polling booths, as well as the ECQ’s Multilingual Guide to Voting.

“Electors in Stretton come from many diverse backgrounds and census data shows there may be at least 20 languages spoken across the community.

“The ECQ wants all electors to engage with the voting process, so for the posters we have selected the four most commonly spoken languages of Cantonese, Mandarin, Punjabi and Arabic, as well as simple English.

“The Multilingual Guide to Voting adds another are 16 languages to that list.”

Mr Vidgen said postal ballots will be printed and progressively dispatched from today and electors who have chosen to postal vote should complete their vote as soon as possible and return it in the Reply-Paid envelope.

“Completed postal votes must be received by the ECQ by the deadline of Tuesday 3 August to be included in the count.

“All voting must take place before 6pm on election day Saturday 24 July.”

The electorate of Stretton includes the suburbs of Stretton, Sunnybank Hills, as well as parts of Acacia Ridge, Runcorn, Kuraby, Karawatha, Calamvale, and Drewvale.

Mr Vidgen said anyone unsure about whether or not they live in the electorate, can check their enrolment at aec.gov.au or go to the ECQ’s website to view a map of the electorate.

“There are eleven days of in-person voting beginning with early voting on weekdays from Monday 12 July through to Friday 23 July, and election day voting on Saturday 24 July.

“There will be five polling booths open on election day, all located within the electorate of Stretton.

“Electors are reminded that if they voted in-person outside the Stretton electorate at the State election in October and wish to do so again, they will need to go to one of the Stretton polling booths for this by-election.

“All Stretton by-election voting dates, times, and locations, as well as the Multilingual Guide to Voting, can be found on the ECQ website at ecq.qld.gov.au.”

Stretton by-election key milestones

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Tuesday 29 June 2021

Close on Monday 12 July 2021

Close of electoral roll

Monday 5 July 2021

Close of candidate nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon on Wednesday 7 July 2021

2:30pm on Wednesday 7 July 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 12 July to Friday 23 July 2021

Election day

Saturday 24 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Stretton State by-election: election day Saturday 24 July

Tuesday 29 June 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said election day for the State electorate of Stretton by-election is Saturday 24 July with early voting on weekdays from Monday 12 July to Friday 23 July.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered with the issue of the writ today by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland, the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC CVO.

“The writ sets out the key election dates for the ECQ to deliver a State by-election to elect a new Member for Stretton,” he said.

“The by-election will be an attendance ballot including two weeks of early voting, voting on election day, postal voting, and telephone voting for eligible electors.”

Mr Vidgen said candidate nominations for the election opened today Tuesday 29 June and will close at noon on Wednesday 7 July.

“Anyone interested in standing for election must be nominated in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992.

“This means candidates must either be nominated by the registered officer or deputy registered officer of a registered political party that has endorsed them, or by six or more persons who are enrolled on the electoral roll for the Stretton electorate and none of whom has previously nominated as a candidate for the election.

“I encourage anyone interested in being a candidate in the Stretton by-election to carefully read the Guide for Candidates Handbook PDF (0.93 MB) available on the ECQ website and ensure they understand all the election processes and responsibilities, as well as the funding and disclosure requirements.”

Mr Vidgen said now is the perfect time for Stretton electors to check their enrolment before the close of roll on Monday 5 July.

“If you live in the state electorate of Stretton, which includes the suburbs of Stretton and Sunnybank Hills as well as parts of Acacia Ridge, Runcorn, Kuraby, Karawatha, Calamvale, and Drewvale, now is the perfect opportunity to make sure you’re correctly enrolled.

“It’s only takes a few minutes to enrol, update, or check your enrolment, by going to aec.gov.au.”

Mr Vidgen said in accordance with the Act, voting in the Stretton by-election will be full preferential, where every box on the ballot paper must be numbered in order of preference starting with one.

Voting is compulsory.

For all Stretton by-election information go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Stretton by-election key milestones

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Tuesday 29 June 2021

Close on Monday 12 July 2021

Close of electoral roll

Monday 5 July 2021

Close of candidate nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon on Wednesday 7 July 2021

2:30pm on Wednesday 7 July 2021

Early voting

Weekdays from Monday 12 July to Friday 23 July 2021

Election day

Saturday 24 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Cassowary Coast Regional Council: seven nominate for Division 6 councillor

28 June 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations for the Cassowary Coast Regional Council by-election have closed and the ballot paper order draw has been conducted. The seven candidates vying for the Division 6 councillor role are Antonino Ucchino, John Hutchinson, Renee McLeod, Paul Toogood, Harry Tenni, Barry Anderson, and Wayne Kimberley.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the resignation of Councillor Kylie Farinelli on 1 June requiring a by-election as determined by the Local Government Act.

“Cassowary Coast’s 3,400 Division 6 electors can vote early at the Innisfail Shire Hall, 70 Rankin Street, between 9am and 6pm from Monday 12 July to Friday 16 July, or vote on election day at the Innisfail East State School and Mourilyan State School between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 17 July.

“Anyone wishing to postal vote should apply via the ECQ website before the deadline of Monday 5 July and return their completed ballot paper in the reply-paid envelope as soon as possible.

“All voting must take place before 6pm on election day, Saturday 17 July, and the deadline for the ECQ to receive postal votes is Tuesday 27 July.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for a divided council is determined in the Local Government Electoral Act as optional preferential voting.

“This means electors must number one, some, or all the boxes on their ballot paper in their order of preference, for their vote to count.

“I remind Cassowary Coast Regional Council Division 6 electors that voting is compulsory,” he said.

For all election information including nomination forms and requirements, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Friday 18 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Friday 18 June 2021

Close at 7pm on Monday 5 July 2021

Close of roll

5pm on Thursday 24 June 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Monday 28 June 2021

2:30pm on Monday 28 June 2021

Early voting

9am to 5pm from Monday 12 July to Thursday 15 July and 9am to 6pm on Friday 16 July 2021

Election day

8am to 6pm on Saturday 17 July

Deadline for the return of postal votes

5pm on Tuesday 27 July 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Richmond Shire Council: nominations close with three candidates vying for councillor role

22 June 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations have closed for the Richmond Shire Council by-election, the ballot paper order draw has been conducted, and three candidates are vying for the vacant councillor role: Suzanne Johnson, Nick Buick, and Jaime McLachlan.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the resignation of Deputy Mayor Kevin Bawden on 17 May.

“As Councillor Bawden resigned in the middle of the local government’s term, the Local Government Act requires a by-election to fill the vacancy.

“Early voting for Richmond Shire Council’s 550 electors will be available at the Woolgar Room, Richmond Council Chambers at 65 Goldring Street, from 9am to 5pm on Thursday 8 July and 9am to 6pm on Friday 9 July.

“Election day voting will be also be at the Woolgar Room, Richmond Council Chambers from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 10 July.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for an undivided council is determined in the Local Government Electoral Act as first-past-the-post.

“This means electors only have to choose one candidate on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.

“Postal votes will be sent this week following today’s close of nominations and ballot paper order draw.

“Electors who are postal voting should complete their ballot paper as soon as they receive it and return it as soon as possible to the ECQ in the Reply-Paid envelope.

“To be included in the count, the ECQ must receive postal ballot papers by the deadline of Tuesday 20 July.

“I remind Richmond Shire Council electors that voting is compulsory,” he said.

Information about the Richmond Shire Council by-election is available at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Candidate nominations open

Postal vote applications open

Friday 11 June 2021

Close of roll

Thursday 17 June 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon, Tuesday 22 June 2021

2pm, Tuesday 22 June 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 28 June 2021

Early voting

Woolgar Room

Richmond Council Chambers

65 Goldring Street


9am to 5pm, Thursday 8 July 2021

9am to 6pm. Friday 9 July 2021

Election day

Woolgar Room

Richmond Council Chambers

65 Goldring Street


8am to 6pm, Saturday 10 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

  • Learn more about being a councillor on the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning website 

The ECQ’s media statements are at ecq.qld.gov.au/media

Cassowary Coast Regional Council Division 6: July election

Friday 18 June 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said there will be a July by-election to elect a councillor for Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s Division 6 following the resignation of Councillor Kylie Farinelli on 1 June.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Cr Farinelli’s resignation occurred in the middle of the local government’s term requiring a by-election to fill the vacancy in accordance with the Local Government Act.

"Candidate nominations are now open, and anyone interested in nominating should do so well before the deadline of noon on Monday 28 June.

“Nomination forms are available on the ECQ website or from the Returning Officer, and a deposit of $250 must also be paid at the time of nomination.

“Candidates have several important tasks to undertake when nominating including opening a dedicated campaign bank account, preparing to declare their personal interests, and completing the free online training module available on the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said the around 3,400 electors in Division 6 have the choice to vote early, vote on election day, or postal vote.

“Early voting will be available at the Innisfail Shire Hall, 70 Rankin Street, between 9am and 6pm from Monday 12 July to Friday 16 July.

“Election day voting will take place at the Innisfail East State School and Mourilyan State School between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 17 July.

“Postal vote applications are open now and close on Monday 5 July.

“Anyone wishing to postal vote should apply via the ECQ website as soon as possible so ballot materials can be sent promptly following the close of nominations and ballot paper order draw on Monday 28 June.”

Mr Vidgen said there’s still time to enrol to vote or update enrolment details at aec.gov.au before the roll closes at 5pm on Thursday 24 June.

“Enrolling or checking your enrolment is easy online and only takes a few minutes.

“Voting is one of the most important civic duties we can undertake in a democracy, and I remind electors enrolling and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

The voting system for the Cassowary Coast by-election is optional preferential as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011.

For all election information including nomination forms and requirements, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Friday 18 June 2021

Postal vote applications

Open on Friday 18 June 2021

Close at 7pm on Monday 5 July 2021

Close of roll

5pm on Thursday 24 June 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon on Monday 28 June 2021

2:30pm on Monday 28 June 2021

Early voting

9am to 5pm from Monday 12 July to Thursday 15 July and 9am to 6pm on Friday 16 July 2021

Election day

8am to 6pm on Saturday 17 July

Deadline for the return of postal votes

5pm on Tuesday 27 July 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Richmond Shire Council electors to vote in July by-election

Friday 11 June 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said a councillor by-election is scheduled for July for the Richmond Shire Council following Deputy Mayor Kevin Bawden’s resignation on 17 May.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the councillor vacancy will be filled in accordance with the Local Government Act and electors have the option of applying for a postal vote, or voting in person at an early voting centre or on election day.

“Early voting will be available to the Council’s 550 electors in Richmond on Thursday 8 July and Friday 9 July, with election day on Saturday 10 July.

“The ECQ is currently finalising voting venues, and details will be available on the ECQ website as soon as available.

“Electors interested in applying for a postal vote should apply as soon as possible via the ECQ’s website.

“Postal vote ballot materials will be sent promptly following the close of nominations and ballot paper order draw on Tuesday 22 June.”

Mr Vidgen said candidate nominations are open with nomination forms available on the ECQ website or from the Returning Officer, with a deposit of $250 to be paid at the time of nomination.

“Candidates have several legislated tasks to undertake and these take some time to complete, so anyone interested in nominating should to do so well before the deadline of noon, Tuesday 22 June.

“The legislated tasks include opening a dedicated campaign bank account, preparing to declare their personal interests, and completing the free online training module available on the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said there’s still time for Richmond’s electors to enrol or update enrolment details at aec.gov.au before the roll closes at 5pm on Thursday 17 June.

“Enrolling or checking your enrolment is easy online and only takes a few minutes.

“Voting is one of the most important civic duties we can undertake in a democracy, and I remind electors enrolling and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

The voting system for the Richmond by-election is first-past-the-post as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 for an undivided council.

For all election information including voting information and nomination forms and requirements, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Candidate nominations open

Postal vote applications open

Friday 11 June 2021

Close of roll

Thursday 17 June 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

Noon, Tuesday 22 June 2021

2pm, Tuesday 22 June 2021

Close of postal vote applications

7pm, Monday 28 June 2021

Early voting

Thursday 8 July 2021

Friday 9 July 2021

Election day

Saturday 10 July 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Carpentaria Shire councillor by-election declared: Doug Thomas successful candidate

10 May 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared the successful candidate for councillor in the Carpentaria Shire Council by-election as Doug Thomas.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the resignation of Councillor Peter Wells in March requiring a by-election to fill the vacancy.

“Five candidates nominated to contest the vacant councillor role: John Beard, Noel Scott, Doug Thomas, Camden Pascoe, and Taren Jai Carr.

“Mr Thomas received nearly 34 per cent per cent of the votes following the official count, which places him as the elected candidate with a mathematically certain result.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Carpentaria Shire Council by-election was first-past-the-post as determined in the Local Government Electoral Act for an undivided council.

“This means electors only needed to number one box on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.

“Under the first-past-the-post system, only the first preference needed to be counted as there was only one position to fill, so the counting process was simplified and the ECQ was able to declare the result quickly.”

Mr Vidgen said early voting numbers were around 290, and election day saw nearly 300 electors cast their vote.

A small number of the around 80 postal votes are still to be returned to the ECQ, however the receipt of these will not alter the election outcome. Any additional postal votes received before the cut-off date will be counted and the results updated accordingly.

There are just over 1000 electors on the roll in Carpentaria Shire Council.

All Carpentaria Shire Council by-election information including the voting results can be viewed at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Carpentaria Shire Councillor by-election: election day Saturday 8 May

Friday 7 May 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said election day for the Carpentaria Shire Council by-election is tomorrow Saturday 8 May, with voting between 8am and 6pm in Normanton and Karumba.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said a by-election was required in accordance with the Local Government Act following the resignation of Cr Peter Wells in the middle of the local government’s term.

“Carpentaria Shire’s more than 1,000 electors have been able to vote early on Wednesday, Thursday, or until 6pm today, Friday, or vote on election day tomorrow, Saturday 8 May.

“Election day polling booths are open from 8am to 6pm at the Carpentaria Shire Hall at 99 Landsborough Street in Normanton, and the Karumba State School at 5 Yappar Street.

“There are five candidates vying for the councillor role: John Beard, Noel Scott, Doug Thomas, Camden Pascoe, and Taren Jai Carr.

“Candidate information is available on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Carpentaria councillor by-election is first-past-the-post as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 for an undivided council.

“When voting in the first-past-the-post system for this by-election, Carpentaria electors only need to choose one candidate on the ballot paper as there is only one vacancy.

“Postal voters must complete their postal vote before 6pm on election day and return their ballot paper immediately in the Reply-Paid envelope.

“To be included in the count, postal votes must reach the Returning Officer or ECQ by the deadline of Tuesday 18 May.

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory.”

For all election information go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Carpentaria Shire Councillor by-election: early voting opens Wednesday 5 May

Friday 30 April 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting for the Carpentaria Shire Councillor by-election opens on Wednesday 5 May with five candidates on the ballot paper: John Beard, Noel Scott, Doug Thomas, Camden Pascoe, and Taren Jai Carr.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said that around 1,000 electors in Carpentaria Shire have the option of voting early, or on election day, or via postal vote if they have applied by the deadline 7pm, Monday 26 April.

“Early voting is at the Normanton Shire Hall at 99 Landsborough Street between 9am and 5pm on Wednesday 5 May and Thursday 6 May, and between 9am and 6pm on Friday 7 May.

“Election day voting is available at both the Normanton Shire Hall and the Karumba State School between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 8 May.”

Mr Vidgen said postal voters can vote as soon as they receive their ballot material and should send their completed declaration envelope and the ballot paper to the ECQ in the Reply-Paid envelope as soon as possible.

“Ballot materials have been progressively dispatched via Australia Post following the close of nominations and the ballot paper order draw on Monday 19 April. The deadline for the ECQ to receive postal votes is Tuesday 18 May,” he said

Mr Vidgen said for this by-election, Carpentaria electors will vote use the first-past-the-post voting system as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act for an undivided council.

“This means numbering just one box on the ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.

“I remind Carpentaria Shire Council electors that voting is compulsory.”

Mr Vidgen said the by-election became necessary following the resignation of Councillor Peter Wells. The Local Government Act 2009 determines a by-election must be held if a position becomes vacant in the middle of the local government’s term. Information about the Carpentaria Shire Council by-election including voting locations and times is at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Carpentaria Shire Council: nominations close with five candidates vying for councillor role

19 April 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations for the Carpentaria Shire Council by-election have closed and the ballot paper order draw has been conducted. The candidates vying for the vacated councillor role are John Beard, Noel Scott, Doug Thomas, Camden Pascoe, and Taren Jai Carr.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the March resignation of Councillor Peter Wells.

“As Councillor Wells resigned in the middle of the local government’s term, the Local Government Act requires a by-election to fill the vacancy.

“Early voting will be available at Carpentaria Shire Hall at 99 Landsborough Street in Normanton from 9am to 5pm on Wednesday 5 May, Thursday 6 May, and from 9am to 6pm on Friday 7 May.

“Election day voting will be at both the Carpentaria Shire Hall and a venue yet to be confirmed in Karumba, between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 8 May.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for an undivided council is determined in the Local Government Electoral Act as first-past-the-post.

“This means Carpentaria Shire Council electors only have to choose one candidate on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.

“Postal votes will be sent this week following today’s close of nominations and ballot paper order draw.

“Electors who are postal voting should complete their ballot paper as soon as they receive it and return it as soon as possible to the ECQ in the Reply-Paid envelope.

“To be included in the count, the ECQ must receive postal ballot papers by the deadline of Tuesday 18 May.

“I remind Carpentaria Shire Council electors that voting is compulsory,” he said.

Information about the Carpentaria Shire Council by-election is available at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Friday 9 April 2021

Postal vote applications

OPEN – Friday 9 April 2021

CLOSE – 7pm, Monday 26 April 2021

Close of roll

5pm Thursday 15 April 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon, Monday 19 April 2021

2.30pm, Monday 19 April 2021

Early voting

From 9am to 5pm Wednesday 5 May and Thursday 6 May, and 9am to 6pm Friday 7 May 2021

Election day

From 8am to 6pm on Saturday 8 May 2021

Deadline for the return of postal votes

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Carpentaria Shire Councillor by-election set for May

Friday 9 April 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said there will be a May by-election to elect a councillor for the Carpentaria Shire Council following the resignation of Cr Peter Wells in late March.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Cr Wells’ resignation occurred in the middle of the local government’s term so a by-election is required to fill the vacancy in accordance with the Local Government Act.

“Candidate nominations are now open, and I urge anyone interested in nominating to do so well before the deadline of noon on Monday 19 April.

“Nomination forms are available on the ECQ website or from the Returning Officer, and a deposit of $250 must also be paid at the time of nomination.

“Candidates have a number of important tasks to undertake when nominating including completing the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning’s online training module, opening a dedicated campaign bank account, and preparing to declare their personal interests.”

Mr Vidgen said early voting will be available to Carpentaria’s 1,000 electors in Normanton on Wednesday 5 May, Thursday 6 May, and Friday 7 May, with election day on Saturday 8 May.

“The ECQ is currently finalising election day venues in Normanton and Kurumba, and details will be available on the ECQ website as soon as available.

“Anyone choosing to postal vote should apply via the ECQ website as soon as possible so ballot materials can be sent promptly following the close of nominations and ballot paper order draw on Monday 19 April.”

Mr Vidgen said there’s still time to enrol to vote or update enrolment details at aec.gov.au before the roll closes at 5pm on Thursday 15 April.

“Enrolling or checking your enrolment is easy online and only takes a few minutes.

“Voting is one of the most important civic duties we can undertake in a democracy, and I remind electors enrolling and voting is compulsory at all levels of government in Queensland.”

The voting system for the Carpentaria councillor by-election is first-past-the-post as determined by the Local Government Electoral Act 2011.

For all election information including nomination forms and requirements, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.

Election milestone 


Notice of Election

Friday 9 April 2021

Postal vote applications

OPEN – Friday 9 April 2021

CLOSE – 7pm, Monday 26 April 2021

Close of roll

5pm Thursday 15 April 2021

Close of nominations

Ballot paper order draw

12 noon, Monday 19 April 2021

2.30pm, Monday 19 April 2021

Early voting

From 9am to 5pm Wednesday 5 May and Thursday 6 May, and from 9am to 6pm Friday 7 May 2021

Election day

From 8am to 6pm on Saturday 8 May 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Diamantina Shire Councillor vacancy filled by appointment

Tuesday 30 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said a councillor vacancy for Diamantina Shire has been filled through the appointment of runner-up Donald Rowlands.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said as the resignation of former councillor Steve Cramer in late February 2021 fell within 12 months of the March 2020 local government elections, council had the option under the Local Government Act 2009 to fill the vacancy by appointing a runner-up.

“The Diamantina Shire Council requested the ECQ issue a Vacancy Notice to the runner-up in the 2020 local government elections, Donald Rowlands.

“Mr Rowlands has accepted the offer of filling the councillor vacancy and will take up his role when sworn in by council.”

Mr Vidgen said seven candidates nominated for the four councillor roles at last year’s election with Francis Murray, Doug Cooms, Steve Cramer, and Donald Rayment the successful candidates after securing the most votes.

“Mr Rowlands achieved 12.72 per cent of the vote count and was very close behind Mr Rayment’s 13.16 per cent under the first-past-the-post voting system.

“If Mr Rowlands had declined to accept the role, it would have been offered to the next runner-up, and then so on until the position is filled.

“If no runner-up had accepted, then the Local Government Act determines a by-election would be required.”

To view the Diamantina Shire Council 2020 local government election results, go to

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Barcoo by-election declared: Tony Jackson successful candidate

Wednesday 17 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared Tony Jackson the successful candidate for the position of councillor for Barcoo Shire Council receiving just over 38 per cent of the 144 formal votes.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the result delivered a difference of only one vote between candidates Tony Jackson (55 votes) and Glen Arrold (54 votes), with Warren Hansen receiving 35 votes.

“This tight result demonstrates clearly to electors that every vote counts.

“There are 207 electors in Barcoo Shire and 146 postal votes were accepted into the count by the deadline of Tuesday 16 March.

“The preliminary count took place after 6pm on election night and the official count followed where the votes were counted again.

“Then in the 10 days between election day and the postal vote deadline, votes were counted in batches to protect the secrecy of the ballot.

“Once the deadline passed and the final votes received, the official count was completed, and the successful candidate declared.”

Mr Vidgen said a by-election for Barcoo Shire Council became necessary following the resignation of Councillor Ingrid Miller on 20 January, with three candidates nominating to contest the vacancy.

“Under the Local Government Act 2009councils may choose whether to conduct a by-election, or appoint a runner-up to a councillor’s position, should it become vacant within 12 months of a local government election.

“The Act also requires the vacancy be filled within two months of the position becoming vacant.

“Barcoo Shire Council resolved to request a by-election through full postal ballot for the region’s 207 electors, and this was approved by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Local Government, the Honourable Dr Steven Miles.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Barcoo Shire Council by-election was first-past-the-post as determined in the Local Government Electoral Act for an undivided council. This means electors only needed to number one box on their ballot paper, as there was only one vacancy.

The results for the Barcoo Shire Council by-election are available on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton Division 3 by-election declared: Grant Mathers successful candidate

Tuesday 16 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared Grant Mathers the successful candidate for the position of councillor for Division 3 in the Rockhampton Regional Council.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Mr Mathers received approximately 46 per cent of the formal first preference vote, and while there are still around 200 outstanding postal votes, Mr Mathers’ lead of nearly 700 votes means the outcome is beyond doubt.

“It’s been a busy election 12 months and Rockhampton electors have been to the polls several times during that time.

“We had the local government elections in March, the State general election in October, followed by a by-election for Mayor following Margaret Strelow’s resignation, and most recently, a by-election for Division 3 when Tony Williams was elected Mayor.

“That’s a lot of democracy for one community in one year.

“Postal voters have been active participants ensuring their ballot papers have been returned to the ECQ promptly with 441 of a total 633 postal votes received by the ECQ prior to the deadline of Tuesday 23 March.

“This meant our counting teams could verify most of the postal votes before the deadline and undertake a provisional distribution of preferences.

“While there are still outstanding postal votes and the deadline is not for another week, the number of outstanding votes can’t change the result; the outcome is mathematically certain.

“The full distribution of preferences will be finalised following the deadline for receipt of postal votes on 23 March 2021.”

Mr Vidgen said the Local Government Act provides council with two options if a councillor vacancy occurs within 12 months of the Local Government elections.

“Council has the option of appointing a runner-up or asking the ECQ to conduct a by-election.

“As Mr Williams was elected unopposed in March 2020 to the role of Division 3 councillor, a by-election was required to elect his replacement.”

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election: voting closed, counting begins

Saturday 13 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) announced polls closed at 6pm for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election, with counting now underway.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the ECQ will conduct the preliminary unofficial count this evening including all the votes on hand.

“This incorporates early votes, postal votes received to date, and election day votes.

“The results of this first, unofficial count will be uploaded to the ECQ website as soon as they have been verified.”

Mr Vidgen said the official count begins on Sunday when all votes are recounted.

“The official count involves recounting votes already counted on election night. Postal votes received before 5:00pm on Tuesday 23 March will be progressively included in official counts.

“As is usual practice, candidates’ registered scrutineers can attend the count both on election night and in the days following.

“Of course, all COVID-safe practices will need to be adhered to, including staying 1.5 metres apart and using hand sanitiser.”

Mr Vidgen said a declaration of the successful candidate can only be made when the outcome is mathematically certain. This may require a distribution of electors’ preferences, which is a progressive exclusion of candidates in accordance with preferences marked on ballot papers.

An explanation of the counting process for optional preferential voting is available on the ECQ’s website.

All election information including the election results is on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election: election day tomorrow

Friday 12 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election concludes at 6pm today with election day voting between 8am and 6pm tomorrow, Saturday 13 March.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said there has already been a solid turnout with around 2,000 of Division 3’s around 7,600 electors choosing to vote early.

“Early voting is growing trend nationally with concerns over COVID-19 in the past year amplifying this already popular choice for electors.

“Those roughly 5,000 electors who haven’t applied for a postal vote or who aren’t voting early, need to cast their vote tomorrow at either the Berserker Street State School or Lakes Creek State School.”

Mr Vidgen said electors should bring their Voter Information Card with them if possible.

“All 7,600 Division 3 electors have been mailed a Voter Information Card or VIC, and around 2,600 electors who have provided their email address on the electoral roll, also received it electronically.

“The VIC shows electors’ voting options, includes an elector QR code that can be scanned at the polling booth to streamline voter mark-off, and acts as a handy reminder that voting is compulsory in the by-election.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Division 3 by-election is the same as the recent Mayoral by-election: optional preferential voting or OPV.

“OPV means electors can choose to number one, some, or all the boxes on their ballot paper in their order of preference to make their vote count.”

Mr Vidgen said postal voters must vote before 6pm on election day and should return their ballot materials as soon as possible.

“Rockhampton electors have had lots of election experience in the past year or so and they have been very prompt in returning their postal votes.

“This is very helpful when the count begins because most of the postal votes already on hand, and this can streamline the counting and declaration process.

“The deadline for the return of postal votes is Tuesday 23 March.”

Mr Vidgen said voting in person for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election includes COVID-safe measures: stay 1.5m apart, use hand sanitiser, and bring your own pen or pencil with you if you wish.

All election information is on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

2020 State general election: ECQ’s non-voter response underway

Friday 12 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) is commencing action against non-voters following the October 2020 State general election.

Electoral Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the non-voter compliance response reinforces voting is compulsory in Australia.

“Compliance with the Electoral Act is a serious matter and electors have a legal and civic responsibility to participate in our democracy and vote for their government representatives.

“However, the ECQ also recognises life can be unpredictable and complicated and electors may have a valid and sufficient reason for not voting.

“In recognition of this, the non-voter compliance program includes several steps ensuring electors have the opportunity to engage with the ECQ and disclose their reasons for not voting.

“The 132,000 first-time non-voters from the 2020 October State general election will not be contacted by the ECQ but should be aware that voting is compulsory, and they may be subject to future action for not voting in Queensland elections.

“Approximately 61,000 electors who are second time non-voters will receive a warning letter.

“Around 57,000 multiple non-voters who have not voted in three or more elections will receive an ‘apparent failure to vote notice’.”

Mr Vidgen said the ECQ’s current response to non-voters reflects the circumstances particular to 2020, which was a year of substantive challenges.

“The ECQ is pleased to have delivered both the March local government elections and the October State general election in line with the Chief Health Officer’s advice and without a spike in COVID-19.

“However, we recognise the challenges the presence of COVID-19 presented for many electors across Queensland and therefore are not sending first-time non-voters a warning letter.

Mr Vidgen said in line with standard practice, the ECQ has verified the State election non-voter data against the electoral roll, which is updated monthly by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), to remove deceased electors.

Mr Vidgen said that electors who receive a notice can provide a valid and sufficient excuse for not voting, or pay a fine of $66.50 before the deadline, which is half of the full penalty.  Otherwise, the full fine of one penalty unit, which is $133, will apply.”

Non-voter data – numbers are approximate


March 2020 local government elections

October 2020 State general election

First time non-voters – no action



Electors who didn’t vote in two elections – warning letter



Multiple non- voters who have not voted in three or more elections – ‘apparent failure to vote’ notice



Fine notifications issued


Yet to be determined

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rocky Division 3: early vote now or on Saturday 13 March

Monday 8 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the second week of early voting for the Rockhampton Division 3 by-election will continue through until Friday 12 March, with election day voting on Saturday 13 March.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said over 1,000 of the 7,600 Division 3 electors have already chosen to vote early.

“Early voting is growing in popularity, and with lives becoming busier and busier it is a great way to cast your vote at a convenient day and time.

“Early voting for Division 3 electors is available at the James Lawrence Pavilion at the Rockhampton Show Grounds on New Exhibition Road this week from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 6pm on Friday.

“Election day voting is available at both the Lakes Creek and Berserker Street State Schools between 8am and 6pm on Saturday 13 March.”

Mr Vidgen said this councillor election is the fourth election in 12 months for Division 3 electors, and some things will be very familiar.

“When electors come to their voting venue, they’ll notice the ECQ’s COVID-safe provisions are the same as previous elections: stay 1.5 metres apart, use hand sanitiser and bring your own pen or pencil with you if you wish.

“The optional preferential voting system for the Division 3 election is also the same one as used for the recent mayoral election meaning electors can choose to number one, some, or all of the boxes on their ballot paper.

“Division 3 electors will also have a Voter Information Card (VIC) either emailed to them or received by post, which should be a familiar item from all four previous elections.

“Just as with previous elections, bringing your VIC when voting makes the roll mark-off just a bit quicker.

“What should also be familiar is that voting is compulsory in this election, as with all elections in Australia,” Mr Vidgen said.

All election information including candidate names, voting dates and times, is at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election: early voting underway

Monday 1 March 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said early voting for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 councillor by-election is now underway and continues every weekday through to Friday 12 March, with election day on Saturday 13 March.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said early voting is available at the James Lawrence Pavilion at the Rockhampton Showgrounds on New Exhibition Road, and election day voting is at the Berserker Street State School and the Lakes Creek State School.

“Early voting is from 9am to 5pm weekdays from Monday 1 March to Thursday 11 March, with voting from 9am to 6pm on Friday 12 March.

“Election day voting is from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 13 March.

“The voting system is optional preferential, which means to make their vote count, electors can choose to number one, some, or all the five boxes on their ballot paper in their order of candidate preference.”

Mr Vidgen said Division 3 electors should look out for their Voter Information Card either in the mail or by email.

“All 7,600 Division 3 electors have been mailed a Voter Information Card or VIC, and around 2,600 electors who have provided their email address on the electoral roll, also received it electronically.

“The VIC shows electors’ voting options, includes an elector QR code that can be scanned at the polling booth to streamline voter mark-off, and acts as a handy reminder that voting is compulsory in the by-election.”

Mr Vidgen said postal vote applications close at 7pm today, Monday 1 March.

“Dispatch of postal vote ballot materials is already underway for those electors who have applied prior to tonight’s deadline.

“I encourage postal voters to read the voting instructions carefully, vote as soon as they receive their materials, and send it back to the ECQ straight away.

“The deadline for postal votes to be returned to the ECQ is Tuesday 23 March.”

Mr Vidgen said voting in person for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election includes COVID-safe measures: stay 1.5m apart, use hand sanitiser, and bring your own pen or pencil with you if you wish.

All election information is on the ECQ’s website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election: Candidates announced

Monday 22 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said following the close of candidate nominations at noon today, the ballot paper order draw has been completed and the five candidates for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 by-election in ballot paper order are Deanna Beatson, Dave Bauer, Grant Mathers, Leyland Barnett, and Christian Shepherd.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the recent election of Division 3 councillor Tony Williams to the role of Rockhampton’s Mayor.

“The Local Government Act requires councils to choose whether to conduct a by-election, or appoint a runner-up to a councillor’s position should it become vacant within 12 months of a local government election.

“However, as Tony Williams was elected unopposed in last year’s local government elections, a by-election for Division 3 is required, meaning around 7,600 electors are returning to the polls.

“Election day is Saturday 13 March, with early voting from Monday 1 March to Friday 12 March.

“I remind electors that voting is compulsory.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Division 3 by-election as determined in the Local Government Electoral Act is optional preferential voting.

“Optional preferential voting is the same system Rockhampton electors used in the recent mayoral election.

“To make their vote count, electors can choose to number one, some, or all of the boxes on their ballot paper.”

Mr Vidgen said electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online at ecq.qld.gov.au prior to 7pm on Monday 1 March.

“For the Division 3 election, voters must have completed their vote by 6pm on election day at the latest and returned it in the Reply-Paid envelope by the deadline of Tuesday 23 March.

“My message to postal voters is not to wait, but to complete their vote and send it back to the ECQ as soon as they receive it.

“In recent elections Rockhampton postal voters have been very prompt in completing their ballot paper and returning it to the ECQ, and this has helped streamline the counting and declaration process,” he said.

Voting information including locations and times, is available at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Key election dates Rockhampton Division 3 councillor by-election

  • Notice of Election – Friday 12 February 2021
  • Candidate nominations open – Friday 12 February 2021
  • Close of electoral roll – Thursday 18 February 2021
  • Candidate nominations close – Monday 22 February 2021, 12.00pm
  • Ballot paper order draw – Monday 22 February 2021, 2.30pm
  • Postal vote applications close – Monday 1 March 2021, 7pm
  • Early voting - Monday 1 March to Friday 12 March 2021
  • Election day – Saturday 13 March 2021, 8am to 6pm
  • Deadline for the return of postal votes – Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Court makes procedural ruling in ECQ vs Palmer Leisure

16 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said the Supreme Court today made a procedural ruling about the application by the ECQ that sought clarification about whether a corporation, Palmer Leisure Australia Pty Ltd, was a property developer within the meaning of that term in the Electoral Act 1992.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the Court has made no ruling in regard to whether or not Palmer Leisure is a property developer. The Court did however provide some guidance around the legal issues raised by the ECQ’s application.

“There are particular features of the definition of property developer which, in the circumstances of Palmer Leisure and its activities to date, made it prudent to seek guidance from the Court as to whether the corporation was a property developer.

“The proceedings so far have provided some additional clarity around this definition as it relates to the Act.”

Mr Vidgen said he would carefully consider the judgment before taking any further steps.

The application for a declaration was lodged by the ECQ with the Supreme Court on Wednesday, 2 December 2020.


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton Division 3 councillor by-election Saturday 13 March: candidate nominations now open

Friday 12 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said candidate nominations are now open for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 Councillor position following the election of incumbent Cr Tony Williams to the role of Mayor.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the Local Government Act requires councils to choose whether to conduct a by-election, or appoint a runner-up to a councillor’s position, should it become vacant within 12 months of a local government election. However, as Tony Williams was elected unopposed in last year’s local government elections, a by-election is required.

“Election day for the Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 councillor by-election is Saturday 13 March, with early voting from Monday 1 March to Friday 12 March.

“Nominations are now open, and anyone interested in becoming a candidate must complete their nomination by noon on Monday 22 February.

“Nomination forms and further information including a candidate handbook are available on the ECQ’s website.”

Mr Vidgen said it is important not to leave nominating until the last minute as there are some important requirements to meet.

“Candidates can live anywhere in the Rockhampton Regional Council local government area; however, an independent candidate must be nominated by at least six electors enrolled in
Division 3.

“A candidate endorsed by a registered political party must be nominated by the registered office of the party.

“There is also a deposit of $250 to be paid and all candidates are required to complete mandatory online training within the six months prior to nominating.”

Early voting runs from Monday 1 March to Friday 12 March, with election day voting between 8am and 6pm on Saturday, 13 March 2021.

Electors interesting in applying for a postal vote can do so online prior to 7pm on Monday 1 March. All voting must be completed by 6pm on election day with the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 23 March.

Voting information including locations and times, is available at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Key election dates Rockhampton Division 3 councillor by-election

  • Notice of Election – Friday 12 February 2021
  • Candidate nominations open – Friday 12 February 2021
  • Close of electoral roll – Thursday 18 February 2021
  • Candidate nominations close – Monday 22 February 2021, 12.00pm
  • Ballot paper order draw – Monday 22 February 2021, 2.30pm
  • Postal vote applications close – Monday 1 March 2021, 7pm
  • Early voting - Monday 1 March to Friday 12 March 2021
  • Election day – Saturday 13 March 2021, 8am to 6pm
  • Deadline for the return of postal votes – Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Nominations closed for Barcoo postal vote by-election: ballot paper order draw complete

Monday 8 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said candidate nominations closed at noon today and the ballot paper order draw has been completed with three candidates vying for the Barcoo Shire Council councillor role. The candidates in ballot paper order are Glen Arrold, Warren Hansen, and Tony Jackson.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said a by-election for Barcoo Shire Council became necessary following the resignation of Councillor Ingrid Miller on 20 January.

“Under the Local Government Act 2009, councils may choose whether to conduct a by-election, or appoint a runner-up to a councillor’s position, should it become vacant within 12 months of a local government election.

“The Act also requires the vacancy be filled within two months of the position becoming vacant.

“Barcoo Shire Council resolved to request a by-election through full postal ballot for the region’s 200 or so electors, and this has been approved by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Local Government, the Honourable Dr Steven Miles.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Barcoo Shire Council by-election was first-past-the-post as determined in the Local Government Electoral Act for an undivided council.

“This means electors only needed to number one box on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.”

As a full postal election, the ECQ will send postal votes to all enrolled electors in the Barcoo Shire Council area; electors do not need to apply.

The Barcoo by-election information page is on the ECQ website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Notice of election Friday 29 January 2021

  • Candidate nominations open - Friday 29 January 2021
  • Close of roll - Thursday 4 February 2021 at 5pm
  • Close of nominations - Monday 8 February 2021 at noon
  • Ballot paper order draw - Monday 8 February 2:30pm
  • Postal ballot printing - From Monday 8 February 2021
  • Postal votes dispatch - From Tuesday 9 February 2021

Election day Saturday 6 March 2021 – all voting must be completed by 6pm on election day

Last day for return of postal votes - Tuesday 16 March 2021 at 5pm

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Winton Shire councillor by-election declared: Frank Standfast successful candidate

Monday 8 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared the successful candidate for councillor in the Winton Shire Council by-election as Frank Standfast.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the resignation of Councillor Sandy Gillies in December last year, and council resolving to have an attendance by-election to fill the vacancy.

“Four candidates nominated to contest the vacant councillor role: Lynda Alcorn, Teonie Stockham, Frank Standfast, and Kerry Turnbull.

“Frank Standfast received nearly 47 per cent per cent of the votes following the first official preference count, which places Mr Standfast as the elected candidate with a mathematically certain result.”

Mr Vidgen said the voting system for the Winton Shire Council by-election was first-past-the-post as determined in the Local Government Electoral Act for an undivided council.

“This means electors only needed to number one box on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.

“Under the first-past-the-post system, only the first preference needed to be counted as there was only one position to fill, so the counting process was simplified and the ECQ was able to declare the result quickly.”

Mr Vidgen said early voting numbers were around 310, and election day saw 214 electors cast their vote.

A small number of the around 160 postal votes are still to be returned to the ECQ, however the receipt of these will not alter the election outcome.

All Winton Shire Council by-election information including the voting results can be viewed at ecq.qld.gov.au


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton mayoral by-election declared: Division 3 Councillor Tony Williams successful

Thursday 4 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared Councillor Tony Williams elected as Mayor of the Rockhampton Regional Council following the distribution of preferences.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said having 17 candidates meant majority percentages were small with the preference count key to the outcome.

“The unprecedented number of candidates combined with the optional preferential voting system, meant the counting process through to the distribution of preferences required time to determine mathematical certainty for all the candidates.

“With Councillor Tony Williams being the successful mayoral candidate, and as he was elected unopposed at the local government elections in March, there will be a by-election as required by legislation within the next two months to fill his councillor role.

“The election timetable for this Rockhampton Regional Council Division 3 councillor by-election will be published on the ECQ’s website within the next week.”

Mr Vidgen said the prompt return of postal votes was very helpful to the counting process, with ECQ teams able to begin the distribution of preferences in a timely manner.

“Rockhampton’s around 6,400 postal voters took our messaging to heart and returned their completed voting materials without delay.

“This meant our counting teams could verify most of the postal votes before the deadline, and progress to the distribution of preferences more quickly after the deadline.

“Cr Williams received approximately 25 per cent of the formal first preference vote but 58 per cent of the votes remaining in the count after exclusions and the distribution of preferences from other candidates was completed.”

Mr Vidgen said the voter turnout for the Rockhampton Regional Council mayoral by-election was high for a local government by-election at more than 82 per cent.

The Rockhampton mayoral by-election was triggered by the resignation of Cr Margaret Strelow. Amendments to the Local Government Act passed by the Queensland Parliament require that a by-election must be held in the event of a Mayoral vacancy occurring within 12 months of a local government election.

Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Townsville councillor by-election declared: Fran O’Callaghan successful

Wednesday 3 February 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) has declared Fran O’Callaghan the successful candidate in the Townsville City Council Division 10 by-election, receiving more 42 per cent of the formal votes.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said Ms Callaghan was one of five candidates in the by-election and following deadline for the return of postal votes and the distribution of preferences, had a lead of around 1,000 votes over the next candidate Scott McElligott.

“More than 7,000 electors voted early or on election day with around 1,600 choosing to postal vote.

“Declaring an election always relies on the mathematical certainty of a single candidate receiving the majority of the votes.

“In this instance, that mathematical certainty included a distribution of preferences.”

Mr Vidgen said there has been a rise in the popularity of postal voting during COVID and the timing of the return of these votes can influence the timing of a declaration, especially when using preferential voting systems.

“Arriving at an outcome following the count was made easier because Townsville electors returned their postal votes to the ECQ in record time, with most received well before the deadline of Tuesday 2 February,” he said.

“This meant our counting teams could verify most of the postal votes before the deadline, and progress to the distribution of preferences quickly after the deadline.”

Approximately 70 per cent of Division 10 electors voted and this is in line with council by-election attendance outcomes. There was a low informality rate of around 2.4 per cent.

The Division 10 by-election was triggered when Councillor Les Walker was elected to the seat of Mundingburra at October’s State election, and the Townsville City Council resolved to have a by-election to select a new councillor.

The amendments to the Local Government Act require councils to choose whether to conduct a by-election, or appoint a runner-up to a councillor’s position, should it become vacant within 12 months of a local government election. It also requires the by-election to take place within two months of the vacancy occurring.

All election results and information can be found at ecq.qld.gov.au.


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699


Postal vote by-election for Barcoo councillor: candidate nominations open 29 January

Friday 29 January 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) announced today a full postal by-election will be held to elect a councillor for Barcoo Shire Council, with candidate nominations opening on Friday 29 January and closing at noon on Monday 8 February.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election will be via postal vote and ballot materials will be dispatched to electors from Tuesday 9 February, with voting to be completed by 6pm on election day, Saturday 6 March 2021.

“The by-election for Barcoo Shire Council became necessary following the resignation of Councillor Ingrid Miller on 20 January.

“Under the Local Government Act 2009, councils may choose whether to conduct a by-election, or appoint a runner-up to a councillor’s position, should it become vacant within 12 months of a local government election.

“The Act also requires the vacancy to be filled within two months of the position becoming vacant.

“Barcoo Shire Council resolved to request a by-election through full postal ballot for the region’s 200 or so electors, and this has been approved by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Local Government, the Hon Dr Steven Miles.”

Mr Vidgen said now is a great time for Barcoo Shire Council electors to check they are correctly enrolled.

“It is crucial Barcoo electors are correctly enrolled before the close of roll at 5pm on Thursday 4 February, so postal ballot materials are sent to the correct address.

“It easy to check your enrolment online at aec.gov.au with the process only taking a few minutes.”

Mr Vidgen said anyone interested in nominating for the position of councillor on the Barcoo Shire Council must do so between Friday 29 January and noon on Monday 8 February.

Candidate requirements for local government by-elections can be found on the ECQ’s website ecq.qld.gov.au and selecting the Election participants tab.

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning requires all candidates to complete online training, and this can be found at dlgrma.qld.gov.au/local-government/governance/training.

The Barcoo by-election information page is on the ECQ website at ecq.qld.gov.au.

Notice of electionFriday 29 January 2021
Candidate nominations openFriday 29 January 2021
Close of rollThursday 4 February 2021 at 5pm
Close of nominationsMonday 8 February 2021 at noon
Ballot paper order drawMonday 8 February 2:30pm
Postal ballot printing and dispatchFrom Monday 8 February 2021
Election day Saturday 6 March 2021all voting must be completed by 6pm on election day
Last day for return of postal votesTuesday 16 March 2021 at 5pm


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

By-elections’ polls closed: the count begins

Saturday 23 January 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) announced the close of polls at 6pm today for the Townsville Division 10 councillor and Rockhampton mayoral by-elections, with counting now underway.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the preliminary count on election night for both by-elections will include all votes on hand.

“This includes early votes, postal votes received to date, telephone votes and election day votes.

“The results of this first, unofficial count will be uploaded to the ECQ website as soon as they have been verified.”

Mr Vidgen said the official count begins on Sunday when all votes are recounted.

“The official count involves recounting votes already counted on election night, with a distribution of preferences following.

“As is usual practice candidates’ registered scrutineers can attend the count both on election night in the days following.

“Of course, all COVID-safe practices will need to be adhered to, including social distancing.”

Mr Vidgen said determining the outcome of the Rockhampton mayoral by-election may take some time with 17 candidates contesting the role.

“Some electors may have chosen to preference all 17 of the candidates on their ballot paper, meaning the count could take some time to finalise.

“A final declaration is only made when the outcome is mathematically certain and this may not be possible until after the deadline for the return of postal votes on Tuesday 2 February,” Mr Vidgen said.

For all by-election information, go to ecq.qld.gov.au.


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Winton Shire Council: nominations close with four candidates vying for councillor role

18 January 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said nominations for the Winton Shire Council by-election have closed, the ballot paper order draw has been conducted, and the four candidates vying for the vacated councillor role are Lynda Alcorn, Teonie Stockham, Frank Standfast, and Kerry Turnbull.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said the by-election was triggered by the December 2020 resignation of Councillor Sandy Gillies, and council resolving to have an attendance by-election to fill the role.

“Election day for Winton Shire Council electors is Saturday 6 February, with early voting from Monday 1 February to Friday 6 February.

“The voting system for the Winton Shire Council by-election as an undivided council and determined in the Local Government Electoral Act is first-past-the-post.

“This means electors must number at least one box on their ballot paper, as there is one councillor to be elected.

“Postal votes will be sent this week following today’s close of nominations and ballot paper order draw.

“I remind electors who are postal voting to complete their ballot paper as soon as they receive it and return it to the ECQ in the Reply-Paid envelope by the deadline of Tuesday 16 February,” he said.

Mr Vidgen said all in person voting will take place in the Supper Room of the Winton Shire Council building at 75 Vindex Street, Winton.

Early voting is from 9am to 5pm Monday 1 February to Friday 5 February, and election day voting is from 8am to 6pm on Saturday 6 February.

Information about the Winton Shire Council by-election is available at ecq.qld.gov.au.


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699

Rockhampton and Townsville by-elections: Early and postal voting underway

14 January 2021

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) said voters for Rockhampton and Townsville are embracing early and postal voting options for their respective council by-elections.

Commissioner Pat Vidgen said more than 600 electors in Townsville Division 10 and around 6,000 Rockhampton Regional Council electors are recorded as having voted in the first few days of early voting.

“Early voting is a growing trend in elections and even in regional by-elections, voters are choosing an option that best suits their needs.

“Around 1,600 or 12 per cent of 12,500 electors in Townsville’s Division 10 by-election have chosen to postal vote, as have more than 6,400 or 11 per cent of 55,800 Rockhampton’s electors.

“Postal votes for both by-elections were dispatched by Australia Post progressively with the final dispatch on 13 January.

“Postal votes must be completed before 6pm on election day Saturday 23 January and be returned to the ECQ by the deadline of Tuesday 2 February.

“We’re asking postal voters to return their ballot papers as soon as completed, and to follow the instructions making sure they sign and have a witness sign as well.”

Mr Vidgen said following the close of polls at 6pm on election night, all votes on hand will be counted.

“The ECQ will undertake a preliminary count of all available early, postal, telephone and election day votes on election night, with the official count beginning on the following day, Sunday.

“With 17 candidates vying to be mayor of Rockhampton and five for Division 10 in Townsville, it’s possible results may not be determined in the initial period of counting and preference distribution.

“However, results will be regularly updated on the ECQ’s website as they are verified by Returning Officers in each jurisdiction, and declarations will be made when outcomes are mathematically certain.

“We ask electors for their patience while the ECQ completes this important democratic process.”

The election results webpage will go live just prior to the close of polling on election day, Saturday 23 January.


Media contact: media@ecq.qld.gov.au 0438 120 699