Full preferential voting

Full preferential voting

In a state election you must number all boxes in order of your preference, this is full preferential voting (FPV).

FPV means numbering every box on the ballot paper in your preferred order.

Full preferential voting

To cast a formal vote:

Voting instructions are always on the ballot paper and should be read carefully.

Step 1

place a one (1) in the box beside your first preference

Step one

Step 2

a two (2) in the box beside your second preference

Step two

Step 3

a three (3) in the box beside your third preference

Step three

Step 4

continue numbering until all of the boxes are numbered.

Step four

Counting a full preference vote

  • The first step is checking each vote is formal by ensuring all the boxes are properly numbered on the ballot paper.
  • Polling officials then count first preferences by looking for the number one (1) next to a candidate’s name and allocating the vote to that person.
  • Next, the person with the lowest number of first preference votes is eliminated from the count and their second preferences are allocated to the remaining candidates.
  • Now, the next person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated and their preferences are distributed.
  • This process of elimination continues until just two candidates remain and one has the majority of votes.
  • Once the result is clear, the Commission declares the successful candidate.


See our Multilingual Guide PDF (3.12 MB) for step-by-step voting instructions in 20 languages.

For information on the voting systems used for federal elections please visit the Australian Electoral Commission website.