Online Submission

The Local Government Change Commission (Change Commission) is responsible for assessing whether proposed changes to councils are in the public interest.

Use the following form to make a written submission to the Change Commission about the proposed change to the boundary between the Livingstone Shire Council and Rockhampton Regional Council.

Please outline whether you are for or against the proposed change and provide any supporting evidence or information. You can also send your submission to the Change Commission at the address below.

Submissions must be received by 5pm Monday, 4 July 2022 to be considered as part of the review.

The Local Government Change Commission
1300 881 665
GPO Box 1393, Brisbane QLD 4001

Contact details

Your contact details are confidential and will only be used if the Change Commission has a question about your submission.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your submission

Your submission, excluding your contact details, may be made publicly available unless you indicate otherwise.

Privacy preferences * Would you like the Change Commission to consider:

1. Upload your submission (preferred)

For submissions larger than 20MB please contact us on 1300 881 665. File types accepted: .doc .docx .pdf .png .jpg .gif .tiff .zip .csv .xls .xlsx

2. Textbox for small submissions (500 words or less)

The textbox does not allow formatting and is therefore suited to submissions under 500 words.