Ipswich City Council - electoral arrangements review
The Local Government Change Commission (Change Commission) has completed its mid-term review of the Ipswich City Council’s current multi-member arrangements.
Final report
The Change Commission’s final report has been provided to the Minister responsible for Local Government.
After assessing the available material and considering relevant legislative provisions, the Change Commission recommended that there be no change to the current multi-member arrangements of the Ipswich City Council.
View the full report here. PDF (1.77 MB)
Appendices to the report:
- APPENDIX 1 - Minister's referral PDF (0.48 MB)
- APPENDIX 2 - Ipswich City Council map PDF (0.34 MB)
- APPENDIX 3 - Local Government Change Commission Ipswich City Council Final Determination Report 2019 PDF (1.12 MB)
- APPENDIX 4 - Local Government Reform Commission Report extracts PDF (13.92 MB)
- APPENDIX 5 - Public submissions
- APPENDIX 6 - Publication guidelines PDF (0.2 MB)
- APPENDIX 7 - Ipswich City Council submission PDF (3.52 MB)
What did the Change Commission consider as part of its review?
Public Consultation
The Change Commission considered public feedback as part of the review and accepted written submissions from anyone who wished to provide their views or information they would like to be considered.
The period for providing submissions closed on 28 November 2022. All submissions can be found here.
Other considerations
The Change Commission assessed whether a change to the electoral arrangements was in the public interest by considering:
- matters prescribed under Part 3, Division 2 of the Local Government Act 2009
- the views of the Ipswich City Council
- the views of the community, and
- analysing other information relevant to the review.