Local government boundary reviews

The Local Government Change Commission (Change Commission) is the independent body responsible for assessing proposed changes to Queensland councils.

Before this can happen, change proposals must first be provided to the Minister responsible for Local Government (the Minister) for consideration. Initial enquiries about proposing a change to the Minister should be directed to the relevant regional advisor from the Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers. The department has prepared a guide about local government change proposals here.

Once a change request is received, the Minister decides whether to refer the proposal to the Change Commission for a detailed assessment.

The types of assessments that can be done by the Change Commission include:

Once the Change Commission finalises an assessment, it must provide its recommendation to the Minister and publicly release its report.

The Minister will consider whether any changes recommended by the Change Commission should be recommended to the Governor in Council to implement under a regulation. The regulation may provide for anything that is necessary or convenient to facilitate the change.
Find out more about current Change Commission reviews:

Fact sheets

Legislative requirements

Assessments will be based on the following legislation (and subordinate regulations):

Brisbane City Council

All other Queensland local government areas

Spatial data

Spatial data relating to local government divisional and area boundaries are available to download from QSpatial.

Contact us

For further information, please phone 1300 881 665 or email LGboundaries@ecq.qld.gov.au.