Election events

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) is responsible for conducting state, local and industrial elections and referendums in Queensland. Elections are conducted in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992, the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, the Referendums Act 1997, and the Industrial Relations Act 2016.

Current and upcoming elections

Currently, there are no state or local government elections underway in Queensland.

Past elections

Select a year below to see elections held during that year.

State general elections

In Queensland, State general elections are held every four years on the last Saturday in October. Fixed four-year terms were introduced in Queensland following the 2016 referendum.

For more information about recent State general elections:

Queensland is divided into 93 electorates. You can see Queensland's electoral boundaries and look up your address to find your electorate.

Local government elections

Local government elections in Queensland are held every four years on the last Saturday in March. The election date may be changed by regulation (usually due to conflict with Easter public holidays).

For more information about recent local government quadrennial elections:

There are 77 local government areas within Queensland. Local government areas can have divided or undivided councils. A divided council has internal boundaries known as divisions or wards. Voters elect a councillor to represent their division. In an undivided council, voters elect all the councillors for their local government area.

You can see local government electoral boundaries and look up your address to find your local government area. If you live in a divided council, the division or ward will also display.


By-elections may be held if a vacancy occurs during a term of office for a member of parliament, a mayor or a councillor.

Vacancies can occur for many reasons, including death, resignation, absence without leave, expulsion or disqualification.

In the year following the local government quadrennial elections, councillor vacancies can be filled through a by-election or by appointing the runner-up from the  last quadrennial election. The council decides by resolution how to fill a vacancy. Mayoral vacancies must be filled through a by-election.

The following vacancies were filled by appointing the runner-up from recent local government elections. These appointments are made under the procedures in section 166A of the Local Government Act 2009.

Division 1, Cassowary Coast Regional Council

  • 15 July 2024  — Resignation of  Councillor Peter Reed
  • 25 July 2024 —  Vacancy notice issued to election runner-up, Mr Christopher Littlemore. Mr LIttlemore consented to his appointment.
  • 31 July 2024 — Councillor Littlemore sworn in by Council.

Division 2, Rockhampton Regional Council

  • 1 July 2024 – Death of Councillor Neil Fisher
  • 15 July 2024 – Vacancy notice issued to election runner-up, Mr Elliot Hilse. Mr Hilse consented to his appointment
  • 22 July 2024 – Councillor Hilse sworn in by Council.

Livingstone Shire Council

  • 4 March 2021 – Resignation of Councillor Tanya Lynch
  • 10 March 2021 – Vacancy notice issued to election runner-up, Mr Rhodes Watson. Mr Watson consented to his appointment.
  • 16 March 2021 – Councillor Watson sworn in by Council.

Diamantina Shire Council

  • 28 February 2021 – Resignation of Councillor Steve Cramer
  • 22 March 2021 – Vacancy notice issued to election runner-up, Mr Don Rowlands. Mr Rowlands consented to his appointment.
  • 12 April 2021 – Councillor Rowlands appointed by Council.

Election results and statistics

For information about historical elections, see the Election results and statistics page.


A referendum may be held to change the State Constitution or to seek opinions from voters on an issue. Voting in a referendum is compulsory.

Referendums do not ask voters to choose between candidates. Usually a referendum poses a question that is answered with a Yes or No vote.

ProposalDateVotes in Favour ("Yes")Votes Against ("No")Result
Fixed Four (4) Year Terms19 March 201652.96%47.04%Passed
Daylight Savings22 February 199240.57%48.60%Failed
Extension of Parliamentary Terms from Three (3) to Four (4) years23 March 1991772,647811,078Failed
Control or Prohibition Liquor3 October 1923  Failed
Control or Prohibition Liquor 30 October 1920  Failed
Abolition of the Legislative Council5 May 1917119,909179,105Failed
Religious Instruction13 April 191074,22856,681Passed
Federation2 September 189938,48830,996Passed

Industrial elections

The ECQ conducts industrial elections under the Industrial Relations Act 2016 for employer and employee organisations registered in Queensland.

To initiate an industrial election, the organisation applies to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC). If the election is approved, the QIRC directs the ECQ to conduct the election.

The QIRC's decision and the rules of the organisation involved determines the timetable and processes for each industrial election.

Union:   Queensland Teachers Union of Employees
Decision: RIO 2024/220-223
Dated: 13 August 2024

Union:   Queensland Teachers Union of Employees
Decision:   RIO 2025/18
Dated: 28 January 2025

Union:   Queensland Teachers Union of Employees
Decision: RIO 2025/10-17
Dated: 28 January 2025