Overview - Third parties/ Donors


A third party is an individual or an entity, based in or outside Queensland, which makes or receives gifts (donations) or incurs electoral expenditure in relation to a state government election, such as paying for political advertising.

Third parties which are only intending on making donations to registered political parties or candidates in an election are not required to register for the election, but they may still have to disclose the donations (refer to the Disclosing gifts tab).

Third parties that incur more than $6,000 in electoral expenditure toward a state election during the election’s capped expenditure period are required to formally register with the ECQ. The details of the third party will then be added to the Register of third parties for the election.

Third parties (both registered and unregistered) also have disclosure obligations for making and receiving gifts. Registered third parties must also disclose all electoral expenditure incurred for a state election in an election summary return.

This tool is provided to help you decide whether or not you must register as a third party with the ECQ. It acts as a guide only. You are ultimately responsible for confirming your status under the legislation and for being aware of the requirements and obligations of third parties who are electoral participants in Queensland.

Third party self assessment tool

Please click on the navigational tabs above to find out about the requirements for third parties and donors.

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