Self-assessment - Third party
I am a third party campaigner in Queensland State elections.
Do I need to register with the ECQ?
A self-assessment tool for individuals and organisations who contribute to political campaigns in QLD State elections.
Under the Queensland Electoral Act 1992, third parties and donors who make gifts or loans of $1,000 or more (cumulative value), in support of a candidate, political party or another third party in a Queensland State election, are required to lodge disclosure returns in the Electronic Disclosure System (EDS).
In addition to this, third parties who incur more than $6,000 in electoral expenditure towards a State election or by-election during the expenditure cap period for an election, are required to formally register with the Electoral Commission of Queensland. Their details will then be added to the Register of Third Parties on the ECQ website. (link)
This tool is designed to act as a guide as to whether or not you may be required to register a third party with the ECQ. It does not remove the responsibility for individuals and organisations to otherwise confirm their status under the legislation and to be aware of the requirements and obligations of third parties as electoral participants in Queensland.