Electoral expenditure caps

Electoral expenditure caps

Expenditure caps are limitations on the amount of electoral expenditure that can be incurred during the capped expenditure period for a state election. Any expenditure paid for before the capped expenditure period will still count towards the cap if the associated goods are first used for a campaign purpose during the capped period.

2024 state general election

For the 2024 state general election, the capped expenditure period starts on Tuesday, 2 April 2024 and ends at 6pm on election day. Registered political parties may incur electoral expenditure of up to $95,964.09 during the capped expenditure period in each electoral district where they have endorsed a candidate.


For a state by-election,the capped expenditure period starts onthe day the writ for the election is issued and ends at 6pm on election day. Any electoral expenditure incurred by a registered political party will count towards the expenditure cap of that party’s endorsed candidate. In other words, parties and their endorsed candidate must not collectively spend more than the candidate’s cap of $90,748.65.

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