Overview - Associated entities


An associated entity of a registered political party is any entity which:

  • is controlled by the party or its endorsed candidates, or
  • operates wholly, or to a significant extent, for the benefit of the party or its endorsed candidates, or
  • operates for the dominant purpose of promoting the party or its endorsed candidates in an election.

An associated entity of a candidate is any entity which:

  • is controlled by a candidate in relation to the election, or
  • operates wholly, or to a significant extent, for the benefit of the candidate in relation to the election, or
  • operates for the dominant purpose of promoting the candidate in the election.

Under the Electoral Act 1992, an associated entity and its election participant – registered political party or candidate – are treated as one entity. Associated entities should familiarise themselves with the state campaign bank account requirements, political donation caps and electoral expenditure caps that apply to their political party or candidate.

Political donations received by an associated entity count towards the cap of the political party or candidate they are associated with. Electoral expenditure incurred by an associated entity counts towards its respective political party or candidate’s expenditure caps. Associated entities must also use the state campaign account of their associated party or candidate.

Associated entities are required to fulfill real-time disclosure and periodic reporting obligations.

Links to further information:

Please click on the navigational tabs above to find out about the requirements for associated entities.

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