Electoral advertising and how-to-vote cards

Electoral advertising and how-to-vote cards

There are specific requirements for registered political parties, their endorsed candidates and associated entities relating to electoral advertising and election material. Registered political parties and their agents must ensure that they are aware of all regulations relating to:

  • the broadcast and publication of election material
  • the authorisation of election material
  • how-to-vote cards.

How-to-vote cards show how a party wants voters to rank their preferences on their ballot paper when voting for their endorsed candidates in an election. How-to-vote cards have specific requirements under the Local Government Electoral Act 2011 and must be approved by the ECQ before a registered political party or endorsed candidate distributes them during an election period.

Registered political parties must submit their how-to-vote card to the ECQ for approval at least 7 business days before the day cards will be distributed. The ECQ then has up to 5 business days to review the card and provide an acceptance or rejection via email, with accepted cards being displayed on the ECQ’s website. Please be mindful of these timeframes – any printing costs incurred before the ECQ accepts a how-to-vote card will be at a party’s own risk.

More detailed information, including illustrations of acceptable how-to-vote cards, is in the how-to-vote card fact sheet (see link below).

While federal and state elections and referendums have media blackout periods, these do not apply to local government elections in Queensland. The ECQ does not regulate media blackout laws.

Links to further information: