Receiving gifts and loans

Receiving gifts and loans

It’s important that you and your group’s agent understand what a gift or loan is so that your group can meet its disclosure obligations under the Local Government Electoral Act 2011.

A gift is a transfer of money, property, or a service given without receiving something of equal or adequate value in return. A non-monetary gift (or gifts-in-kind) is a gift of any goods or services other than money.

A gift includes:

  • money given to a group of candidates
  • services provided at no or below cost
  • electoral expenditure gifted to a group of candidates
  • uncharged interest or an amount forgiven on a loan
  • part of a fundraising contribution that exceeds $200.

A gift does not include:

  • a property transferred under a will
  • a fundraising contribution of $200 or less
  • membership fees paid to a registered political party
  • money transferred from a candidate’s own personal funds to their group’s dedicated campaign bank account
  • volunteer labour or incidental use of a volunteer’s vehicle or equipment.

A loan is any of the following provided by a person or entity, other than a financial institution or by use of a credit card:

  • an advance of money
  • provision of credit or another form of financial accommodation
  • payment of an amount for, on behalf of, or at the request of, an entity, if there is an express or implied obligation to repay the amount
  • another transaction that is in effect a loan of money.

Note: this is not a comprehensive list of all types of gifts and loans. You should read Fact sheet 10 – Definition of gifts and loans for more detailed information.

A group of candidates has obligations to disclose gifts (including donations) and loans received. For more information about your group’s disclosure obligations, please click on the Real-time disclosure requirements tab above.

Prohibited donors

Queensland law bans political donations from property developers and industry bodies with property developers as a majority of their members.

It's illegal for a group of candidates to accept these prohibited donations.

For more information, see ECQ’s prohibited donor scheme page.

Anonymous gifts

It is unlawful for a group of candidates to receive anonymous gifts or loans totalling $500 or more. This includes gifts or loans where the name, address, or other required details of the donor are not known to the group.

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