Nomination of a candidate

Nomination of a candidate

A candidate not endorsed by a registered political party may be nominated for the election by obtaining the signatures of 6 or more electors who live within the local government area (for undivided councils) or within the division or ward of the local government area (for divided councils) they are contesting.

A candidate endorsed by a registered political party must be nominated by the party’s registered officer .

Nominations must be lodged during the nomination period, which commences when the ECQ publishes the Notice of Election on its website. Nominations close strictly at midday on the last day of the nomination period. Nomination forms received by the ECQ after this time will not be accepted. A nomination deposit of $250 must be paid by cash, bank cheque, electronic funds transfer, or BPoint at the time of nomination. It cannot be paid by credit card.

Anyone planning to contest a local government election – including sitting councillors – should go to the Self Service portal to login or register.

As a candidate, you’re entitled to receive a copy of the electoral roll for the local government area or division/ward where you’re running for election. You can read more information about what information is and is not released, and the purposes for which you can use electoral roll information in Fact sheet 4 – Provision of electoral roll data to candidates.

Links to further information: