Right to information

The Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) is committed to providing open access to information about our services, activities and business operations in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009. Sensitive information may not be released where the Acts recognise it would be contrary to the broader public interest.

Right to Information (RTI) aims to provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community and provide appropriate protection for individuals’ privacy. More information is available from the Queensland Government’s website.

How to access information

Information is available:

  • on the ECQ website
  • by browsing our publication scheme
  • through our disclosure log, or
  • through an administrative access process (please contact us).

If the information you are seeking is not available using the options listed above, please contact us to discuss your request or you may lodge a formal RTI application.

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from the ECQ. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government. All information and documents accessible via this scheme are provided free of charge.

Please contact us if you have difficulties accessing these documents, or wish to provide feedback on the information available.

About us: Who we are and what we do

Our services: Services we offer

Our finances: What we spend and how we spend it

Our priorities: What our priorities are and how we are doing it

Our decisions: How we make decisions

Our policies: Our policies and procedures

Our data: How we are transparent and accountable

The ECQ's disclosure log shows documents that have been released following Right to Information requests and are suitable for publication:

Date of decisionInformation releasedMethod of accessing documents
11 March 2021Communications from a Queensland registered political party relating to prohibited donors or requests for guidance regarding prohibited donor laws.Application Finalised – Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
26 September 2019Documents relating to a complaint made against a Federal MP and a Queensland registered political party involving a billboard.Application Finalised – Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
5 January 2019Documents relating to call centre services between February 2016 and May 2018.Application Finalised – Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
26 September 2017Documents relating to compliance with electoral disclosure laws and obligations by the Liberal National Party of Queensland and the Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland) for the time period 2016 and 2017.Application Finalised – Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
26 June 2017Documents relating to compliance with electoral disclosure laws and obligations by Pauline Hanson's One Nation Queensland Division and the Queensland Greens for the time period 2016 and 2017.Application Finalised – Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
27 April 2016Documents relating to the process for assessing and deliberating the change of boundary at Jones Rd, Capalaba from Redland City Division 10 to Division 9.Application Finalised - Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
15 December 2014Documents held by ECQ in relation to the Palmer United Party for the entire period from 1 August 2014 to 31 October 2014.Application Finalised - Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
1 May 2014Correspondence between ECQ and Cook Shire Council regarding the possibility of holding a Referendum on Water Fluoridation.Application Finalised - Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
23 August 2013Correspondence between ECQ and Sibelco North Stradbroke Island, a registered third party in the March 2012 State Election, in relation to compliance issues with its financial disclosure return, and records providing reasons for not publishing the return publicly.Application Finalised - Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665
9 August 2013Correspondence between Tony Abbott MP and ECQ dated around July/August 1998.Application Finalised - Contact the RTI / Privacy Co-Ordinator 
on 1300 881 665

How to lodge an application

To lodge a formal application for information you must submit a Right to Information and Privacy Access form.

It helps if you provide as much detail as possible about the document/s you are seeking. If you know the title, subject matter, type of document or the date it was produced, please specify in your application.

To amend personal information you believe to be inaccurate or incomplete you may lodge a Personal Information Amendment form.

Completed application forms should be sent to rti@ecq.qld.gov.au or:

Right to Information Officer
Electoral Commission of Queensland
GPO Box 1393
Brisbane QLD 4001

Fees and charges

It is free to access or amend your personal information, however a fee is charged for access to non-personal information. The ECQ can provide an estimate of the cost and give you an opportunity to amend your application. Information will not be supplied until payment is received.

More details on fees and charges are available on the Right to Information website.

Review process

Valid applications must be processed within 25 business days of receipt. A further 10 business days can be added should we need to consult with third parties. If the application is transferred to an alternate agency, additional time will be applied.

When your request is finalised, the ECQ will provide its decision in writing, including a schedule of documents relevant to your application. If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you may seek a secondary review by the ECQ, or you may contact the Office of the Information Commissioner. An application for review must be made no later than 20 business days after the date of the decision.

Regulated fees

In line with section 61(1) of the Electoral Act 1992 a local government council can request a copy in electronic form for the most recent version of the entire electoral roll for any district within their government’s area at a fee prescribed under section 4 of the Electoral Regulation.

Our fees and charges typically increase on 1 July each year. On 1 July 2024, our fees and charges were indexed at zero per cent (ie. remain unchanged from 2023-24) in line with Government’s indexation policy.

Schedule 2 Fees
Supply under section 61(1), table, item 7 of the Act to a local government a copy of the most recent version of the entire electoral roll for an electoral district wholly or partly within the local government’s area (plus additional applicable amount). $537.70
In this schedule – “additional applicable amount” means for each 1000 (or part of 1000) electros enrolled for the local government area as at 31 August immediately before the application for supply. $40.00